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The woman's voice was calmer. "I just don't like it, Stan. It's too much like the last time, three years ago, when you went off on your own with big ideas. I should never have let you talk me into this."

"Aw, baby, that's no way to talk. After what we've been to each other?"

The woman chuckled softly. "Come on, you big stud, cut that out. I've had a long, hard night. I don't think I could get a wet pussy again for a week. Ohhhhh, Stan, come on, stop, honey."

Ellen's ears strained. That voice… low and silky… it was familiar. So familiar!

"I can't stop, baby, you know that. Just looking at that tight little ass makes my cock hard. When I touch it like this – oh, Christ, feel what happens, baby. Feel my cock get hard for you!"

"Stan, I can't – not even if you paid me for it…"

"I am paying you, baby. Fifty big ones! Half and half, just the way we always did it."

"What about the others?"

"Fuck 'em," Stan grated. "Jay'll think a hundred bucks is great all at once. Cy's gonna be happy I don't feed him some hot lead."

"And Velma?" she asked pointedly.

"Ah! Piss on her. She's just a cunt." There was a moment of silence. "God, come on, baby, a quick one. A hot one! Remember how we couldn't wait to fuck back when we had that beach place? Like that, baby, hot and hard and wet!"

"Where are they now?" she moaned heatedly. "I don't want any jealousy until this is all over."

"In town. Don't worry about Velma. She's a cow. Cows don't get jealous."

"I do," she gasped, moaning again. "You've been fucking his wife and Velma."

"So what? Didn't you just say you'd spent all night fucking the horny bastard to a standstill? You trying to make me believe ol' Burkie's prick is the only one that's been slipping in and out of your hot pussy all week, is that it?"

"Mmmm, of course, darling," she chuckled throatily. "What do you think I am, one of your two-dollar whores, like her?"

"Christ, not to me, baby," he rasped huskily. "That silky, sweet pussy's worth a million to me!"

"Which pussy, Stan? Hers?"

"This one, baby. This slippery-lipped gash right here."

"Ohhhhhh, God…" she gasped breathlessly. "I don't know why you turn me on like this! My cunt's sopping inside already! And you're just an animal! A low-class, no-good, rotten – ahhhbhh, God! Deeper, you bastard! Fuck it deeper!"

"Christ! Oh, Christ, what a sweet, hot cunt!" he squealed.

"Ohhhhh, your prick's like a flaming rod fucking into me! Oh, Stan, harder! Pump! Fuck! God, yes! Like that! Qhhhhh, you know how! You always knew how!"

"Baby, baby!" he gasped. "What a pussy! It's the best, I swear it is! All the rest are lined with sandpaper! God, let's not break up any more, baby! We'll take all the dough and run! I can't live without this sweet, silky cunt any more!"

"Yes! Yes!" she gasped, the words ripped from her lips by his hard, driving thrusts into her steaming twat. "Ohhhhh, harder, you fucker! We're not apart now! I'm right under your plunging prick! Ahhhhh, God, I'm going to come! I can't believe it! All night, fucking, and I'm going to come again!"

"Baby! Baby! Me too! Christ, you're sucking it right up my jerking prick!"

"Stan! Fuck me! Ohhhhh, fuck me! I'm… God, I'm going to come! Yes! Yes, now! Ahhhhhhhgh!"

"Baby! Me too! I'm gonna blast your wet cunt full! Ahhhh, shit! Here it comes! Now! Yaaaaaagh, Wanda!"

Ellen froze. She sucked in her breath. She felt as if she'd been smacked in the face with an icy fish. She knew now why the voice had sounded so familiar, and all the loose pieces began coming together in her mind with a rush.

She listened to their moans rise and shudder with orgasm and then fall. Her pussy twitched and burned deep inside as she closed her eyes for a moment and imagined it.

Not them!

Burke's hard, throbbing prick, spewing and hosing and splashing into the first hot, gripping, silky-wet pussy he'd had in seven long years.

The kind of pussy she had denied him…


Another car drove into the yard, the engine sounding very powerful and fast. Ellen heard Stan and Wanda talk rapidly, as if trying to get their clothing back on in a big rush.

Ellen strained up from the bed and saw the car rock past the window on the uneven ground. Cy drove it. There was a big grin on his face, a look of self-satisfaction.

Jay was by the other door, and Velma was squeezed in between, hunkered over toward Jay as far as she could get so that she wouldn't even have to touch Cy.

Cy honked the horn, gunned the engine, and cut it. Ellen heard Jay's voice drift through the window as he got out.

"Whose car is that?"

"It's hers!" Velma said bitterly. "Damn her, why did she have to show up again after three years!"

Cy slammed his door. "Aw, cut yer bitchin'," he said, standing right under Ellen's window. She could just see the top of his head. "Look, baby, don't go raisin' hell now. Wait'll it's over. And remember, if it wasn't for her, we wouldn't of had this job."

"I don't give a damn about the job," Velma whispered, her tone still rancorous. "I just want Stan!"

"Yeah, well, sometimes ya gotta face it, baby," Cy said, his voice soothing and yet somehow full of lust. "Just remember who's waitin' for ya if Stan gives you the heave. You and me, baby. We could do all right together. I got a talent for snitchin' cars, don't I? Ain't this bomb a beaut? Nobody's gonna grab us after we get the money. What do you need him for, anyway, when you got me?"

"God, don't touch me!" Velma cried. "You squeeze my ass again, and I'm telling Stan!"

"Hey, what's going on?" Jay inquired, moving in closer.

"Fuck off, skinny!"

The front door banged shut, and steps clumped down the stairs.

"Hey, man, how's this one for a real bomb?" Cy asked proudly. "Better'n that little shit we had last night, huh, Stan?"

"She's in there, isn't she?" Velma demanded at nearly the same time, her jealousy totally undisguised.

"Yeah. Cy, it's great," Stan said.

"Everything's set, Stan," Jay's voice came, a thread of excitement running through it. "Are you going to call him again and tell him where to leave the money?"

"Why doesn't she come out? Is she afraid I'll see it running down her legs?"

"Later, Jay. I'm gonna call him later. I want to do this at night, when it's dark. The place I got picked, we can see better if he's got cops tailing him."

"You've been fucking her, you bastard!" There was a moment of silence. Ellen could visualize Stan's glare. "Goddamn it, you mouthy cunt, dry up!"

"Don't deny it! Your prick's leaking! I see the spot!"

"Shit, baby, that's from being hot for your twat all the time you were out of my sight. Now, shut up!"

To Ellen's astonishment, Velma didn't shut up. She found herself practically cheering.

"Why doesn't she come out? Why's she hiding? What's the black-haired bitch doing out here, anyway? Why don't you kick her ass for disobeying orders? You'd kick Jay's or Cy's or mine! But when she disobeys, you fuck her ass!"

There was a low snarl, then a smart slap, and a cry of pain. Velma sobbed softly beneath the window. The front door closed again, with a lighter touch.

"You certainly haven't taught her any manners, darling," Wanda's silky, throaty voice came.

"You bitch! Why didn't you stay gone!" There was another slap, but Velma didn't make a sound this time.

"I'll be getting back," Wanda said quietly.

"No. Stay here."

"How will we know if Burke's playing it straight, unless I go back and… keep him company."