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"You've fucked him enough. Besides, you know how I get right at the crunch. I gotta fuck and fuck."

"That's what you got Velma for, darling."

"Shit!" Stan snarled with disgust. "It's like doing push-ups over a foxhole. Did I ever tell you you've got a big cunt, bitch?" he growled at Velma. "Goddamn near as big as your mouth? You musta been fuckin' Cy on the side, or it wouldn't be so stretched!"

"You rotten bas…" Velma started. The words were slapped away from her mouth again.

"She's all yours, ape man," Stan grated to Cy. "Don't drown when you fuck her."

"Don't touch me!" Velma cried, obviously darting away from Cy's ready paw. She ran rapidly up the steps and banged into the house, where Ellen heard her finally break into harsh sobs.

"I'd better get back, Stan," Wanda said again.

"He'll play it straight. I told him I'd snatch that young twat of a daughter next, if he didn't." There was an evil grin in his voice that made Ellen shiver with fear. "I haven't had a piece of tight young cunt wrapped around my cock in a long time. Maybe we should snatch her anyway, huh?"

"God, Stan, you never learn, do you. All right, I'll stay. Just to make sure you don't do something damn foolish like that."

"That's my baby," he chuckled. Then, more harshly, "What the fuck you standing around gawking at, you little prick? Go check on our guest, or something."

"Sure, Stan, sure," Jay said weakly, cowering from the threat of a slapping.

"Let's drive, Cy."

"Aw, I wanna go fuck her, Stan," Cy wheedled. "Later, Goddamn it! Let's drive! I want to be sure this heap won't drop its balls on the highway or something."

The doors slammed. The big engine belched and barked, and they drove off. Jay came into the house. Ellen heard him talking soothingly to Velma, who was still sobbing. Then he came into the room.

She lay on the bed on her back, arms and legs spread, pretending to be tied. She saw him stand there and stare at her open pussy and her naked tits.

He sucked in his breath, his eyes going over her body again and again. He licked his lips. She could just see through the thin spot that his prick was stretching in his pants.

"Who's there?" she asked, putting fear in her voice.

"It's just me, Mrs. – Ellen," he said. "I… oh, gosh, I…"

He came around the foot of the bed. He didn't take his eyes from her spread pussy. She could feel her cunt lips begin to bloat in a betraying way.

He stood by the side of the bed in silence. He moved a little closer. He kicked the bucket with his toe and looked at it, seeing it for the first time.

"What…" he started, then blushed, figuring it out, feeling embarrassed for her.

"Oh, Jay, what's happening? What's going to become of me? Please tell me, Jay. I-I heard arguing outside. Are they – is Stan… going to – to kill me? Is he? Oh, tell me, Jay!" She sobbed once, a frightened sound that she saw got to him.

"Boy, he'd better not! I'll kill him right back, Ellen. I swear I will!"

"Oh, Jay, you're sweet! A good boy! What are you doing hanging around with them, Jay? Why!"

He licked his lips again. "I… well, Stan's my brother!" he said, as if that explained it.

"You're not like him. Not at all! Are you trying to be? Do you want to be the kind of man who ties up helpless women and rapes them? Do you want to be the kind who slaps girls like Velma and beats them and is cruel to them? Is that why you're hanging around with him?"

"You shouldn't be talking like that, Ellen," he whined.

"He kidnapped me, Jay. He's talking about kidnapping my daughter next. That's big trouble, Jay. You know he'll get caught. They always do. And you'll be just as guilty, Jay – and for nothing."

He licked his lips again, watching her tits jiggle and move as she talked, his hand reaching for them tentatively.

"What do you men, for nothing?" he asked suspiciously.

"I heard him and Wanda talking, Jay. They're planning on taking all the money, leaving Cy and Velma out completely. He said you'd be happy with a hundred dollars of it."

"Naw! My brother never said anything like that!"

"Why would I lie?"

"To try some trick! To get me to untie you or something!" he cried, sounding afraid.

Ellen nibbled her lower lip. It was now or never.

Ellen sat up, swung her legs over the side of the bed, slipped her blindfold off, and looked directly at him, both hands on the bed so that she sat perfectly naked and exposed for him.

"I'm already untied, Jay," she said softly.

He gawked, his eyes bulging. His mouth moved.

"Holy shit!" he blurted finally, looking as if he ought to call someone.

"I didn't have to talk to you just now. I could have gone on pretending until the time was right and then removed this last rope. But I couldn't leave without telling you the truth, Jay. It's not too late for you. You can help me get away. Then you and Velma – you can go far, far away. I'll help you to, Jay."

"W-what do you mean?"

"Safety and money. That's a promise. If Stan lets me go, then I'll have to help the police all I can, and I can help them plenty now. I'll have to include you, Jay. You and Velma! If Stan finds out how much, then he'll have to kill me. Then it'll be murder, Jay, and they'll never stop looking for you – never. At your age, that's a whole lifetime. Help me, and I'll help you. I swear it."

His eyes wavered all over. "Oh, crap…" he moaned.

"How long will they be gone, Jay?" she asked, reaching out and touching his hand.

"I-I don't know. Maybe an hour or longer. Stan really checks a car out. He says you gotta have good wheels, or you might as well try outrunning them on crutches."

"Then… then there's time, Jay," she said softly, lifting his hand toward her.

She slowly but firmly placed his hand over her tit, making sure the fingers wrapped around it and cupped it just right. She thrust her chest out to help him, then took her hand from his, all the while looking straight into his eyes and holding his gaze.

"Ellen…" he breathed softly.

"Remember last night, Jay? The way you touched my tit? I liked it. I told you then I liked it. I didn't lie. I'm not lying now. We had something between us, Jay, before Cy came and ruined it. There's time now. I want you to feel my tit all you want to."

"Ohhhhh…" he moaned.

She spread her thighs slowly, watching his eyes drop to the succulent vee that was bloating far more than it should have.

"Would you… oh, Jay… would you like to fuck me?"

"Holy crap…" He breathed, his cock jerking in his pants. "You know it!"

"Then – then I want you to, Jay. I don't want you to rape me. I don't want you to do it the way Stan and Cy do it. I want you to know the difference. I want you to feel what it's like when a woman wants your young, hard prick inside her pussy. Before it's too late, Jay!"

"Ohhhhh, God," he groaned, his cock tenting the front of his pants with an impossibly hard erection.

She reached for his buckle and undid it. He looked down his belly and watched her fingers with disbelief. She unzipped his fly, astonished with the way her pussy was squirming and sucking inside, as if terribly eager to feel the thrust of his hardness inside her.

Then she knew that it was more than a clever plan any more. It had passed beyond that. She did want his young prick inside her, fucking her and spurting warmly into her.

In a sense, it would be a chance to go back and pick up where she'd so ignorantly left off. In another sense it would be a chance to practice after sixteen years of holding back, so that it would come out right the first time with Burke.

Ahhhh, Burke. Her wonderful, patient, kind husband! How he deserved a good fuck! Not just a hot one, a slippery-cunted one, like Wanda's, but a good one.

And in still another sense, it was for Tish – to assure herself that she had the capability to convey the truth to her daughter. If it would work with him, then she would feel more confident with Tish.