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That was why she slipped her slim fingers into the gap of his fly and released his straining, throbbing prick. That was why she undid the catch and let his pants slide down his slim young hips.

She worked his briefs down, too, doing the best she could with her one hand, until he helped her. Then she stared at his rising, pulsing prick straining directly toward her face, and she knew that there would be something else in this for her.

A reawakening of the capacity to give! Not like a cunt. Not as before, but in the way she should have been giving.

She didn't have to aim his prick. It was pointed in the right direction. All she had to do was bring it closer. She wrapped her free hand around his naked ass-cheek and urged gently, and it came forward, and she parted her soft lips to receive it.

"Ahhhhh, God!" Jay gasped, sucking in his breath until it seemed his lungs would burst. His prick throbbed and jerked. His fingers tightened around the cone he was cupping until Ellen's nipple seemed to pop from the pointed end.

Ellen looked upward at him. Their eyes met. She smiled as much as she could with her lips but let him see it with her eyes, and then she dug her nails into his ass-cheek gently and slipped her mouth fully down over his prick.

She closed her eyes. She moaned. She felt the youthful surge of his hard cock into her mouth. She felt the vibrant throb of life rushing through his veins and making the shaft pound between her sucking lips.

She moaned again. She put her tongue up against the bottom of his shaft and pressured, sucking hard.

"Ohhhhh, shit… Ellen, Ellen…" Jay whimpered.

His balls lifted up and down. His root swelled between her lips and pulsed. His spongy, velvety glans stretched for the back of her throat and began leaking already.

She could feel him gazing down at the top of her head, watching her lips wrap around his stiff prick and suck inward. He could see his cock disappearing into her mouth with soft slide after slide through her silky lips.

He put both his hands on her tits, rolling them gently and fondling them as she sucked him and made him gasp and his belly quiver. His naked ass-cheeks quivered under her hand and clenched and relaxed rhythmically.

"Ohhhhh, crap, suck it, baby, suck it!" he gasped suddenly.

Ellen stopped. She pulled her mouth from his flaming rod with a quick, tooth-scraping motion that left him gasping with shock.

She looked at him. "You sounded like Stan just then, Jay," she said quietly but firmly. "You don't ever want to sound like Stan or act like him."

"Ah! Ahhhhhh! All right, all right!" he cried. "I'm sorry, Ellen, I'm sorry!"

"Shall we try again, Jay?"

"Ohhhhh, yes! Please!"

She licked out with her tongue. She washed it all over the pulsing glans, making his shaft bob and weave and flare outward, ever longer, ever stiffer.

She opened her mouth and sucked him into it again, drawing hard, making her head bob back and forth. Jay moaned with bliss and terrible relief and lipped his head back.

"Ohhhhh, that's so good, Ellen!" he gasped. "I love it! I've never felt anything like it in my whole life! God, I think I even love you! You're kind, not like the girls Stan gets. Except Velma. She's really a kind girl, Ellen. I like her, too. Ohhhhh, what are you doing! Qhhhhh, God!"

She was sucking. She was drawing. She was pulling at the blazing shaft and head of his prick. Something had taken over within her. She felt it happen, as if something had clicked.

It was a good prick. A strong, youthful prick! It wasn't a jamming, ramming, raping prick. He moved gently, as if worried about gagging it down her throat, hurting her with it.

It was the way Burke's prick would be. She moaned and squeezed her eyes tightly, imagining that she was sucking on Burke's prick. That's what Stan had told her to do last night. She was doing it now.

She bobbed her head back and forth. Her lips compressed and relaxed around the shaft. She felt the soft head sliding around in her mouth, the way her tongue washed and rolled over it.

Her head twisted and screwed around the blazing shaft. She went into a kind of frenzy and felt her whole body open up – her throat and her wet, watering pussy.

She found herself sucking not just at his prick but at something behind his prick – some vague, indefinable something she couldn't quite make out.

It was nearly taking shape. The harder she sucked, the clearer it became, without ever really coming into sharp enough focus for her to identify it.

Wet sounds came to her ears. She knew saliva was coated all up and down his shaft, that it was smeared over her chin and nose, and that the wet sounds filling the room were coming from her frantically sucking mouth and lips.

She heard a distant, thin kind of squeal, felt her tits squeezed nearly to the point of pain by his strong fingers. She felt the tremble in his taut ass-cheeks and the way his prick throbbed and bucked inside her mouth.

The vague form was taking shape. She sucked harder, more wildly. She felt a sudden sense of total abandon, a new feeling, yet a very old one, better now than before.

"Ellen! Ellen! Ohhhhh, I can't stop! I'm going to do it, Ellen! Ohhhhh, you don't have to… let me take it out and fuck… ohhhh, I can't stop!"

Harder and harder, with frenzy, she sucked and sucked and pulled and washed her tongue around his thrusting, stretching, bolting shaft. She wanted it! She could nearly see the shape! It was right there before her mind's eye.


Jay squealed loudly. His cock pulsed and hosed, flooding her mouth, her throat, his sperm collecting under her tongue and in the hollow of her lower lip and washing about her teeth like a hot, syrupy gargle.

Ellen whimpered and drew, drinking from his founting prick, still reaching for the elusive something that seemed to be toying with her and taunting her, nearly coming into focus and then slipping out quickly again.

She sucked and drew and drank and went wild, reaching until all of his shaft was in her mouth and entered into her throat, the young, pulsing end hosing and spurting still, her lips nibbling at the springy pubes.

He jittered all over, and she felt him pushing at her head gently. He whimpered all the while. The shape-thing vanished. She would not be able to catch it now.

She slipped her lips from his prick. Sperm coated his cock. It dripped from her chin. Her throat was syrupy with it.

"Ohhhhh, Ellen!" Jay cried softly. "God, I love you! Ohhhhh! That was wonderful. Wonderful!"

He cupped the back of her head, pressing her face against his throbbing belly. She felt sperm ooze from his cock-head against the side of her neck and run over her shoulder.

"Ohhhhh, tell me what I can do for you, Ellen!" he gasped. "I want to do something in return. Anything! Do you understand?"

She looked up at him. She lifted her hand and caressed the side of his face. She smiled warmly and enigmatically at the same time.

"I understand, Jay," she said gently. "But now, what's more important, you understand."

He dropped to his knees beside the bed, fitting himself between her thighs, wrapping his arms around her hips and nuzzling his head into her lap and belly.

"What can I do?" he repeated softly.

"Untie me, Jay. Get out of this mess. Find yourself a girl and live happily, giving to each other, instead of taking. Be loving, instead of cruel."

He lifted his head and looked up between her full tits into her face. "You mean like Velma?" he asked.

Ellen recoiled inwardly at first. But then she reconsidered. Perhaps Velma had learned after all. Perhaps, with Jay's help, she would come to really know.

"Yes, Jay, a girl like Velma. Oh, untie me so that I can wrap both my arms about you and hold you close to me while you fuck me!"