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Unfortunately, the girl hadn't been told of these rules. She just remembered as the docile, succulent pregnant slavegirl who had been so pleasing at the last party. She reached her hand into the cage to stroke Laura's cheek and then shrieked when Laura sank her teeth into the girl's wrist.

Laura had the good sense not to bite too hard. She clamped the arm just tight enough to hold the girl in place. It would be painful but it did not break the skin.

"Help me!!!" shrieked the girl. "Get her off of me! Help me!" She struggled to free her hand and reached in with the other. Laura swung her hands through the air with her claws unfurled as she hissed and glared at the girl but her chains prevented her nails from reaching the girl. "Ouch, that hurts!" squealed the girl as she tried to rescue her wrist.

Eventually, she was successful at prying Laura's mouth open wide enough to free her arm and pulled it back, but not before Laura bit into a finger and growled.

"Yikes!" squealed the girl as she looked at her finger, seeing the tooth marks. "What have you done to her?"

"Nothing," replied Katherine. "I told you she was my lioness. Why would you stick your hand into her cage?"

Laura had to stifle a laugh at the exchange. It was fun to be on the giving end of pain for a change and she realized that tonight might be fun after all.

Each time someone walked by her cage, she would become animated again and lash out at them as she growled and roared. Her heavy breasts with their shiny gold hoops would bob and sway with her antics, much to the amusement of the guests. But nobody reached in to fondle the heavenly orbs.

For the next hour, the guests meandered by as they moved between the food and the bar. Occasionally, they jumped back in surprise as she leapt forward in the cage, but none were injured.

While she was going through her antics, she kept an eye on her husband. She knew that she would be angry with him for turning their lives so upside down but she could not bring herself to do so. He was so handsome and so sexy. Even in his slavery, he held himself proudly. As he served drinks or cleared plates, the girls were constantly fondling him and teasing him to try to have an unauthorized climax. The boys mostly ignored him but occasionally, she would see one swat at his cock if it happened to "move inside of a personal space." Even when that happened, he remained calm and confident. Laura drew strength from her husband. The dining and grazing period ended and only one person had been injured during the meal. One boy had reached between the bars to grab one of Laura's breasts and her teeth had actually broken his skin. Someone wrapped a bandage around his arm and he waved around in the air as he ranted about the crazy she-beast in the cage.

Katherine led her guests back to the cage where Laura snorted and glared at the people around her. She heard a lock being undone behind her and then she heard a clang as she realized that the back of the cage had been removed. She had bars on three sides of her now but the back of the cage, the part that was most critical to protecting what little modesty she had left, was gone. Now, she would be vulnerable to whatever indignities they had in store for her.

"It's time to poke the pussy," she heard Katherine say. "Who wants to go first?" Laura cringed at the words and then remembered her role. Instantly, she started snarling and snapping.

"I'll take the she-beast," she heard the cocky boy who she had bitten speak up. She started jerking in her bindings as she growled. "It will serve the bitch right."

Laura heard the zipper and then felt two hands on her hips. She snarled and shook her mane back and forth, sending it sailing through the air. She felt the boy moving closer, positioning himself between her legs. Then she started lurching sideways and front and back. She knew she would get fucked but she was determined to put up a fight, like any respectable lioness would.

He held onto her hips and started guiding his cock toward her parted petals which were glistening in her arousal. Just before he was able to plunge into her damp cavern, though, she bucked again. This time, he was close and moving toward her. Her body twisted and she pushed back against him. A lucky move caught the tip of his cock against her bottom cheek as she pushed back, bending his erection in half and causing him to fall back in pain.

"That bitch!" he screeched as he reached between his legs to protect his wounded manhood. "That bitch broke it!"

Laura heard some giggles in the room as the other partiers had fun with the boy's misery. She was proud of herself. She had been given an assignment to be a savage beast tonight. And she had just had her first kill. She roared victoriously.

"Let me try," she heard from another male voice.

"Good luck," she heard one of the girls say.

Laura felt a finger tip trace down her spine lightly. She snarled and snapped, whipping her head around to glare at the boy.

"Ssshhhh," he heard him say. "Sssshhh." He placed his open palm at the top of her back and slowly drew it down until he got to her bottom and then he lifted it to repeat the motion. "Shhhhh. Good girl. Nobody is going to hurt you," he said softly.

"Damn!" she thought. "This guy is good!!!" She felt her sex becoming even damper as the boy kept stroking her back and talking softly to her. He kept this up for several minutes and eventually Laura started purring. She loved this attention. Her eyelids were fluttering and her body was aflame with lust.

The boy kept up his soft caresses as he continued to whisper to her. "Good girl." "Pretty kitty." "Beautiful baby." Laura's purring grew louder and, as the boy continued, she actually needed the sex. She raised her bottom and wiggled it seductively at the boy.

"Does my pretty kitty want to play?" he asked. Laura meowed in reply and then heard hushed whispers from the rest of the partiers as they marveled at how the boy had tamed the savage beast.

She felt one of his hands leave her body and a whimper escaped from her mouth. But then she heard the sound of a zipper and instantly smiled. The boy released his cock, which by now was quite erect and then positioned it at the opening to her sex.

"Easy girl," he whispered again as both of his hands returned to the soft stroking of her naked flesh. Slowly he inched forward, letting a little bit of his cock enter her at a time. She started purring again as he ever so slowly filled her. Once he was fully embedded in her, he held still for a moment and ran his fingers through her wild mane. "Such a good girl."

What happened next could only be described as lovemaking. His lips fluttered over her naked back as his hands gently caressed her sides and legs. His cock moved in and out of her slowly but deliberately. Her body was aflame with lust as this boy had aroused her so. She opened her eyes and sought out Katherine's, looking at her mistress imploringly. Katherine smiled and gave a little nod, which Laura interpreted as permission. Laura's body immediately in the most intense orgasm of her life and she groaned as her body shook.

The boy kept slowly moving in and out, whispering and caressing and kissing. Wave after wave of orgasm washed over Laura. Was it one long orgasm? Or was it so many intense ones that she lost track? Eventually, the boy climaxed and emptied his seed inside of her. She hung limply from her chains and moaned as she remained embedded in her.

He finally softened and slipped out of her. He kissed her between her shoulder blades and whispered one last time. "Such a pretty kitty. You are my beautiful cat." He stepped back and the audience erupted with applause and cheering. Laura was beyond caring that she had put on such a lewd display. She was completely satiated. And she loved what "The Tamer" had done to her.