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"Yes, you have demonstrated all of those things," replied Pierre. "We were surprised at some of the offers. Tell me this, though. How did you learn of our… merchandise?"

"Oh," nodded Alan. He paused for a moment. "From a very reliable source. An acquaintance of mine."

"I see," pondered Pierre. "And do we know this acquaintance of yours?"

"Yes," nodded Alan again. "Yes, I believe you do."

"May we know who that is?" asked Monique.

Again, Alan paused. "For the moment, I think it best to keep him unnamed. His identity will be revealed eventually but for now let us call him Mr. X"

"And what is Mr. X' interest in the transaction?" asked Monique, "if you can share that."

"His interest is honorable," replied Alan, "if that is what you are worried about. He is quite infatuated with your female… errrr… pet."

"Oh, so is he the actual buyer?" asked Pierre.

"No, no," Alan shook his head. "Nothing like that. Unfortunately, he does not have the wherewithal for such a transaction. I will be the buyer. I do intend to deed the property to him after the transaction, though. As a sort of gift."

Monique studied the man. Alan Chisholm appeared to be in his mid to late forties. He was distinguished looking with a slight bit of graying around his temples. He was fit and rather handsome. And he was obviously wealthy. Monique could tell this from the outrageously high offers but also from the expensive suit that he wore.

"That is a very generous gift, indeed," remarked Pierre. "Your latest offer was for both articles of merchandise. What is your acquaintance's interest in the second item?"

"Alas," responded Alan, "he has no real interest in the second item. But it became evident that you believed they should be kept together, as a collection so to speak. As I mentioned, however, my acquaintance is an honorable man. He would take them both and keep them together."

"Are you aware that there is a third article in the collection now?" asked Pierre.

"Yes," nodded Alan. "I have been informed of that development. I did not know how to address the third item in my offers. I did not know of your intentions or desires."

"The third…. article is an integral part of the collection now," responded Monique quickly. "The set cannot be broken up."

"I see," commented Alan. "Then I shall modify my offer to include the entire set. I am open to considering any other terms and conditions that you might propose."

"To be honest with you, Mr. Chisholm," Pierre said, "we are not inclined to part with our collection. They suit our needs perfectly. They are exquisite and they are trained to our liking."

"As unusual as this sounds," added Monique, "They have become part of the family. There would be a huge hole left behind if we sold them."

"Yes, I can understand that," commented Alan. "From what I understand, the female pet is divine. I'm sure that the male pet is also equally precious to you. Thank you for your time. I will tell my acquaintance that they are not available. He will be disappointed but perhaps it is for the best. I envisioned the female becoming a huge distraction to him." Alan Chisholm arose and shook hands with Pierre and Monique before departing. "Thank you again for meeting with me."

"That was sure strange," commented Monique on the drive home.

"It was," agreed Pierre. "I have never had a discussion about selling a human before."

"Should we be worried? He seemed awfully determined. Might he steal her?"

Pierre shook his head. "No, I don't think so. He didn't appear to be the type. I think we'll hear from him again, but I don't think that we have to worry about any criminal activity."

"Nevertheless," Monique continued, "maybe we should get them insured."

"Insure a slave?" sputtered Pierre. "You can't insure a slave. You can't even own one."

"It was just a thought," huffed Monique. "We never knew how valuable they were and now I'm worried about losing them."

"We'll just have to keep them safe," replied Pierre.

Chapter 5

"Perhaps an occasional short term lease? If you would be open to considering this, it would be appreciated by my acquaintance. I am available to meet at your convenience."

Monique printed the email that arrived two days following the meeting with Alan Chisholm and handed it to Pierre.

"Couldn't hurt," was Pierre's response. "Besides, I'm still curious about who his acquaintance is."

"It would all depend on how short short is. I could part with Laura for a few days but I don't think I would like her gone for weeks on end."

"This might work out well for all concerned. We retain property rights. We get to keep them together. And the acquaintance gets to romp in the hay with his very own beautiful slavegirl. Set up the meeting."

Monique responded to the email. "We would entertain the idea of short term leases as long as it is understood that no property rights will change hands. We can meet to discuss."

At four o'clock, they were seated at the same table as before. A very relieved Alan Chisholm sat across the table from them. "You can't possibly imagine how grateful I am for this," he said.

Then he went on to disclose the identity of his acquaintance. Mr. X was his son, Mark, a friend of Katherine's from college. He had met Laura at a couple of Katherine's parties and became hopelessly enchanted by her beauty, her poise and her raw sexuality. He had also apparently "sampled" her charms and described it as the most unbelievable pleasure of his life.

Mark was so enamored with Laura that Alan was afraid he would let his future slip away. All that he talked about was the beautiful slavegirl. He showed no interest in studies or sports. He almost lost his girlfriend because he was pining away so badly. The renting of the slave would at least provide some hope for his son. And it would provide some leverage to Alan as he tried to put his son back on course.

"Might I rent her for the night, tonight?" Alan asked.

"I think renting will be unnecessary," replied Pierre. "We would be happy to loan her to you if it's just for an occasional short stint. But I don't know about tonight.

"Oh, I can look after Brigitte," Monique cut in. Pierre raised his eyebrows and looked at his wife. She reached up and casually lifted her breasts in her hands. "They may not have milk but she still loves to suck on them."

"I can imagine," said Alan wistfully as he eyed the magnificent chest on Monique. "I would too."

Then Alan blushed. "Oops. I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me. That was so rude of me."

Monique laughed as she lowered her hands to her lap. "Nonsense! I took that as quite a compliment."

"Thank you for your forgiveness. I meant what I said. I just shouldn't have said it."

"We will have to invite you to our next party. Is your wife into the lifestyle?"

"Lifestyle?" stammered Alan. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"Yes, the lifestyle. Domination and submission. Master and slave. That sort of thing."

Alan blushed again and shook his head. "I'm afraid we aren't. In fact, I never would have believed that slaves existed if our son had not come home with his outlandish story about your beautiful girl."

"Ooo, this will be fun!" thought Monique to herself. "A virgin to the lifestyle."

Monique smiled. "Then we definitely must invite you. You really should check it out. You can participate or simply observe. And if you choose to participate, who knows? Maybe I'll be your personal slavegirl for the night."