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As soon as Mark went upstairs, Alan hurried Ann into the bedroom. He had them both naked in mere moments and he pounced on his wife, fucking her as urgently as Mark had done with Laura earlier. That night, he slept with images of slavegirls dancing through his dreams.

Chapter 7

Ann stood frozen like a deer caught in the headlights. She stared blankly across the room, unable to move and barely able to focus. It was not easy to shock her but a series of events over the past twenty minutes had turned her almost comatose.

Alan and Ann had accepted the Chambeaux invitation to the party. It was a big step for both of them. Ann had been reluctant but curious. Alan had also been curious but he was also excited and eager. Monique had confirmed that she would be their slavegirl for the evening and he could hardly contain himself.

They knocked on the door to the Chambeaux home and Ann received her first shock. Steve was acting as the butler for the evening and greeted the couple after he opened the door. Ann's jaw dropped.

Steve was wearing tails and a bow tie. But other than that, he was naked except for the highly polished shoes and black knee-high socks. And his erect cock was pointing directly at Ann.

"Welcome, Master and Mistress," said Steve politely. "Please come in."

Ann seemed to be frozen in place but Alan took her arm and guided her into the house. Steve closed the door and smiled again. "May I take your wrap, Mistress?"

Ann involuntarily clutched her shawl around her body as if it were a protective shield. It was a warm night and she did not need it. But she had worn it to cover her bare shoulders and for the ride home when it would be cooler.

"Let the butler take your shawl, dear," said Alan.

Reluctantly, Ann unfurled the shawl and handed it to Steve who hung it neatly in the closet. She blushed profusely as she realized that she was staring at the butler's cock. She kept trying to look elsewhere but her eyes kept gravitating back to the naked pole. And it was huge! It was much thicker than Alan's and she had always considered him to be large.

"Master and Mistress," said Steve as he turned back to them after hanging the shawl, "if you will follow me, I will take you to a gift that the hosts have arranged for you. Mistress?" he said as he offered his arm to Ann. Ann blushed a thousand shades of red but took Steve's arm and let him lead her down the hallway. Once again, she kept watching the erect cock as it bounced with each step and Alan followed behind. Steve led them to a study in a quiet corner of the house.

This was when Ann received her second shock of the night. The room was dimly lit but a spotlight illuminated a pedestal in the center of the room. And on the pedestal was a naked woman! Ann just about jumped out of her skin when she saw that.

Even though she knew that Monique had offered to be their slave for the night, it still took a moment for it to register that this beautiful woman on the pedestal was their hostess. She was the woman who owned Laura and now she was their slave! Ann felt herself hyperventilating.

"Good evening, Monique," said Alan as he stepped toward the pedestal.

"Good evening, Master," replied Monique as she kept her eyes cast down.

"Monique, I would like you to meet my wife Ann," he said. "Ann, this is your slavegirl, Monique."

Monique raised her eyes and smiled at Ann. "Good evening, Mistress." Monique was pleasantly surprised at what she saw. Ann was very slender and bordering on being too skinny for Monique's tastes. But she was very pretty nonetheless.

"G..g..good evening, Monique," stammered Ann. Ann was blushing furiously at this point. This was all so unreal to her. First, the near-naked male and now the completely naked female. This was like no party she had ever attended before. At least they were attractive. The butler was very handsome. Monique was just downright gorgeous and Ann started to feel self-conscious about her own appearance.

By this point, Alan had stepped next to the pedestal. Ann received her third shock of the night as she watched her husband reach out and nonchalantly stroke Monique's breast as he grasped the leash that dangled between the luscious mounds. He looked so comfortable with the situation that Ann had to wonder if he had done this before. Ann, herself, certainly did not feel comfortable.

Steve felt his cock twitch as Alan stroked Monique's breasts. Despite having the most beautiful and erotic wife imaginable, Steve was always aroused when he was around Monique. There was something about her that excited him. He always thought it was her powerful image, but seeing her as a vulnerable slavegirl had the same effect on him. Maybe it was just her raw sexuality.

While he would have loved to stay and watch, Steve knew that he had other things to attend to. "Mistress and Master, I will leave you with your slavegirl. I must return to my duties." With that, he clicked his heels very officially and turned toward the door, letting his bobbing and throbbing cock lead him from the room.

"Isn't she beautiful?" asked Alan as he continued to stroke the succulent breasts. "And to think, she's all ours. Would you care to pet her, dear?"

"N..n..no, thank you," stuttered Ann. "But yes, she is beautiful."

"Come, little one," instructed Alan as he helped Monique to stand. "Let us join the party."

That is when Ann received the shock that put her into a stupor. They stepped into the great room of the house and Ann nearly fainted. There were easily a hundred people in the room and easily a third of them were naked! Some were kneeling and naked. Some were standing and naked. A few were bound and naked. But there were so many naked people! Ann had never seen that much exposed flesh in her life.

Laura spotted them as they entered the room and alerted her master. Pierre then led Laura across the room to greet the guests. "Welcome, welcome," he smiled. "I'm so glad you could join us this evening. Lovely slavegirl you have there."

"Er… yes, she is lovely," replied Alan. "And thank you for inviting us." Ann just stood there slack-jawed and gazed off into space.

"What do you have planned for the girl?" asked Pierre. He reached out and tweaked one of Monique's nipples, drawing a glare from his wife.

"Oh," replied Alan. "I'm not sure what I'll do."

"I'm sure you'll come up with something," grinned Pierre, making Alan feel somewhat embarrassed. He knew what he wanted to do to Monique but surely he couldn't voice it in front of his wife and Monique's husband.

"I might want to borrow her later," Pierre continued. This drew another glare from Monique. "In the meantime, I'll introduce Ann around." He slipped an arm around Ann's waist and guided her forward into the crowd. Ann just mindlessly went where she was led. "Come, Laura."

"Master, may this girl make a suggestion?" asked Monique once the other three had left.

"Of course, you may," he answered. "What is your suggestion?"

Monique cast her eyes down, trying to look as submissive as possible. "This girl thinks that her master should fuck her."

"Oh," replied Alan, feeling his face blush at what he just heard and feeling at a loss for words for a moment. Finally, he gathered his wits and replied. "Splendid idea. Lead the way."

"This girl cannot do that, Master," she said, keeping her eyes down. Again, Alan was at a loss for words and Monique felt she should help him out. "Slavegirls never lead, Master. They follow. If you will walk toward that door, I will follow you and then show you where we can go." She cocked her head and glanced at a door on the far end of the room. That was all the encouragement that Alan needed and he turned toward the door, tugging on Monique's leash.