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She brought both hands out the length of his prick. "You have a fine cock, it's very hard, isn't it?"

"Listen, Emma, you don't know how hard it can get. You've got fine tits, and I love the way the nipples come up hard when I kiss them. I love your belly button and the way your stomach is hard and tight and I'll bet your cunt is ready, I'll bet it's sweating right now for my cock, you could spread your legs and I could slip right inside you without the slightest problem."

"I know that's true," she whispered. She seemed to want to lean against him again, to thrust her hips against his, but she hesitated. She touched herself between her legs. "You know I'm ready. You know I'm wet for you."

She kneeled at his feet. "I don't want sand in my cunt. I'm simply not going to fuck out here in this sand." She held his cock with her fingers and kissed its tip, licked quickly across the tender underside.

He lifted her up. He didn't want a quick blow job like the kid inside the house. He wanted to fuck. Desperately. "Let's go inside then." He kissed her mouth.

"Hey, hey, big cock. Don't get in a hurry. I'll take you somewhere tonight that will blow your mind. You willing?"

Rick put her hand back on his dick. "You feel that and you know damn well I'm willing."

"Hey, you really want to go. I hoped you would as soon as I saw you at the party. You'd be good, I think. You look like you're all right in bed. Are you?"

"Let's try it, then you tell me."

"Okay. There'll be four, counting you. I won't tell you where we're going, but you'll get enough fucking to last at least until morning. And they pay ten bucks, okay?"

Rick smiled at the thought of fucking for ten dollars. "Who pays?"

"We do it in a room by ourselves, the four of us, and the mistress of the house watches with her boyfriend through a one-way mirror. You still willing? It's ten bucks."

Rick smiled again. He had made over a hundred just for letting Mrs. Moorhead kiss his ass while he stood on his head. "Just one thing," he said, having a sudden fear that he would be led to a secret chamber in Mrs. Witherdine's house and she would burst through the one-way mirror and cut off his balls when she saw him with Emma, "where is the house?"

"Fisherman's Walk."

He relaxed. That was even more exclusive than Mrs. Witherdine's house. "Sure, I'll go." He put his hand between her legs and felt dampness through her jeans.

She quickly knelt again with her mouth forming the timeless O and slipped the round, engorged head into her warm cunt of.a mouth. To Rick's surprise, she swallowed nearly the entire length of it, her lips nibbling along the hard shaft, her tongue pressing against the underside, her mouth sucking at it all.

And just as suddenly she slid her mouth away, his prick bounding up when released.

"Let's go then," she said. "I'm horny enough to jack off."

Rick was more than ready. He shook the sand out of his pants and pulled them up again, tucking his erection down his pants leg. He followed Emma inside, his eyes feasting on the tight globes of her ass as she walked, his imagination running riot at the idea of fucking a young girl again. It was almost as if he had had a glimpse of life at sixty, but had suddenly been reborn.

Chapter 8

Rick was very happy when Emma emerged from the party with Jack and Donna Steel, a set of tow-headed, seventeen-year-old twins. He liked them both right away.

Their hair was so blond it was nearly white. They were both happy kids, probably, Rick thought, because they had been screwing each other for a year, and maybe more. Even though the Steel kids were twins and had similar small frames and bone structure, there was no doubt that Jack was the boy and Donna the girl. Jack had definite masculine characteristics in the way he stood, walked, the tilt of his head. The gleam in his eyes. Donna was soft and purring and her nearly-white hair fell freely over her back. They smiled a lot and laughed and carried on like lovers who were more than willing to allow others to penetrate their inner circle, but the other person would have to understand that afterward it would be Jack and Donna again.

As they slowly walked along the dunes toward the resort area and the exclusive roadway known as Fisherman's Walk, Rick asked jack why he seemed to feel so free with his twin sister, something that was completely forbidden even though the yearning was never denied.

"An accident," Jack said. "It was the week after we turned sixteen. We'd been fooling around with each other since we were about twelve, usual kid stuff you know. A feel here and there, long looks when the other supposedly wasn't looking, sneaking around trying to catch the other one in the shower."

Donna's voice was high and singing. "Remember the time you watched me from the tree house?"

"Never forget it," Jack said.

Rick was surprised to hear them because never before had he heard kids talk so freely and openly about sex.

Donna continued. "We had a tree house outside my bedroom window when we were little kids. We never took it down, even though we never played in it anymore. One afternoon when I was fourteen I locked the door to my room, put on my only two-piece bathing suit and went through the whole bit. I kneeled in the middle of the room and sucked on a half-peeled banana, pretending there was a guy standing over me, making me do it. Like it was his prick, see. You'd be surprised how much sucking on a banana is like doing a job on some guy's dick."

"No, I wouldn't," said Emma.

"When I got tired of that," Donna said, "I pretended the guy ripped off the bottom of my suit and I took it off and lay over the bed with what was left of the banana still in my mouth. Pretending now that there were two guys and I had to suck one while the other fucked me. I didn't have anything to use that I really wanted to shove in my virgin cunt, so I just let my fingers do the walking."

Jack said, "She didn't know I'd gone up to the tree-house. I had a stash of sex books there and used to go up every so often to read them and see how long my dick was. I really got turned on watching her suck on that banana but when she took off her bottom and started wriggling her bare ass all over the bed I almost went crazy. I jerked off three times before she finished."

"But you didn't see me naked," she laughed, "did you?"

"No. That was the damnedest thing. As close as we lived together, I never saw her totally naked from about the time we were two or three and the folks let us take baths together. Once they stopped that we couldn't even get close to each other. I managed to catch flashes of her, a tit now and then, maybe a thigh, and then that day in the tree house I saw her ass and her hairs but not her tits at the same time."

"I hadn't seen you, either," she said. "Don't let anybody think I wasn't trying, though. I saw you that time you changed on the beach, but you had your pants up so fast it was only a flash, about a second, and since it was dark I couldn't really see a thing. You can't count that."

Rick laughed. He walked with his arm around Emma, his fingers tweaking her right nipple. "How did you finally get it together if you never saw each other naked?"

"Like I said," Jack continued, "an accident. Don't forget, we'd been told all our lives that that was forbidden, impossible, that it would either drive us both crazy or get us locked up in jail. Parents will tell a twin brother and sister anything to keep them away from each other. But I think every set of twins wants to do it, and more succeed than fail, I bet.

"But we finally made it, almost by accident, about a week after we were sixteen. Donna had a baby-sitting job and since I had just gotten my driver's license the folks let me drive the car across town to pick her up. It was about ten-thirty when I got there and the people she was working for were late. She had gone through their bathroom and found some rubbers and she gave one to me and told me I should use it if I ever found a girl who would let me have sexual intercourse with her."