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She laughed and shook her head, amusement dancing in her vibrant green eyes. "Oh, I can't wait."

"Neither can I," he said, and meant it. While her lip service was for the sole purpose of finding her cousin, there was no reason why he couldn't use their phone sex conversations to his advantage by sharing their own personal fantasies.

Seconds passed, filling the air between them with subtle expectations and deeper desires. He stared at her, enthralled by the way the sun behind her highlighted her shoulder-length blond hair with gold streaks and kissed her smooth skin with a glowing warmth that he wanted to skim with his mouth and taste with his tongue. If he hadn't had a few cases he needed to follow up on, he would have persuaded her back to his place for a lazy afternoon of hot, satisfying sex.

Instead, he decided he'd have to settle for a kiss to get him through the long hours until they were together again-and alone, so they could indulge in something far more intimate and satisfying.

Slowly stepping toward her, he backed her up against the driver's-side door and braced his palms on the edge of the low roof on either side of her shoulders, securing her between the heated metal of the car and the hard, muscled length of his body.

She didn't seem to mind being trapped. With her gaze locked brazenly with his, she countered his move with one of her own. Hooking her fingers into the belt loops on his jeans, she pulled him closer until their bellies, hips, and thighs were intimately aligned and his thickening shaft found a home at the welcoming notch between her legs.

A blissful sigh escaped her, and she whispered silkily, "I like the way you feel against me. We fit perfectly together."

"Damn," he murmured, singed to the core by her honest admission and inflamed by a reciprocating need he couldn't hold back. He rubbed himself against her mound, which made him even more painfully erect, with no relief in sight. "Imagine how good it'll feel when we're both naked."

"I already have," she divulged, her candid words and soft, dreamy expression sending his libido straight into orbit. "You've been a fantasy of mine for the past month."

Upon that shocking revelation, her lashes fell to half-mast, and a pale pink color swept over her cheeks, as if she wasn't used to being so sexually outspoken with men but liked the power and control that came with being forthright in what she wanted.

Sliding her hands from his waist to his lower back, she splayed her palms against the muscled slope of his spine, the heat of her touch seeping through his shirt. Her chin lifted in an amusing- and arousing-display of daring. "You know that hot, frenzied buildup you mentioned earlier today?"

He groaned, realizing that she somehow intended to use his own seductive words against him, which was nothing less than he deserved. "Yeah, I remember," he managed around the knot that seemed to have tightened his vocal chords.

Her lips skimmed his jawline, teasing his senses. "Well, just so you know, a month is a very long time to lust after one particular person, and my anticipation level is already near to bursting."

His breath left his lungs in a tight exhale. Scorching heat curled inside him at the thought of her body primed and ready for his. The notion threatened his restraint, making him burn to give all that confined excitement within her a proper and very provocative kind of release.

God, she was so damned sexy, she made his insides ache and his palms sweat-a feat no other woman had ever accomplished. She was a beguiling witch, a temptress who would undoubtedly hold her own when it came to fulfilling his sensual and erotic demands in the bedroom.

Lifting one of his hands to her face, he cupped her cheek in his callused palm, dragged his thumb along the curve of her jaw, and addressed that anticipation problem of hers. "I guess we'll just have to make sure we do something about all that pent-up desire of yours," he drawled.

Unable to hold back the rampant male instinct firing his blood or to resist the hot female invitation in her eyes, he lowered his head, and she eagerly met him halfway. Her lips parted beneath the coaxing pressure of his, and his tongue swept inside, slow and teasing, then gradually taking possession of her mouth in a deep, wet, ravenous kiss that was unmistakable in its carnality and sexual intent.

The distinctive, familiar rumbling sound of a sports car pulling into the parking lot penetrated the mind-numbing pleasure of the moment. Reluctantly he pulled back, preparing himself to deal with the consequences of putting his relationship with Liz on public display.

"Shit," he muttered, and at her startled, wide-eyed stare he explained, "It's my partner, Cameron. And I apologize ahead of time for putting you in the middle of an embarrassing situation."

Her cheeks were flushed with color, but she didn't seem the least bit ashamed or uncomfortable at their predicament. "You mean getting caught making out?"

The humor threading her husky voice relieved him and made him smile. "Yeah."

"Well, let's get something perfectly straight," she said, her gaze holding his as she boldly ran a hand from his shoulder to his chest. "I let you kiss me, of my own free will, and I wanted it as much as you did. So I can handle the consequences of getting caught if you can."

This woman never ceased to amaze him, and he liked having proof of just how adventurous she could be. He gave her a nod of agreement, stepped back, then turned to face his partner and best friend since college, who'd just unfolded his big body from his new metallic-blue Porsche Boxster. Cameron headed their way, his curiosity undisguised as he looked Liz over and obviously liked what he saw.

Steve's stomach churned with an uncharacteristic bout of male rivalry. He'd never been a jealous man, and he'd certainly never felt any competition from his love-'em-and-leave-'em partner, yet he couldn't deny the protective, possessive impulses making themselves known where Liz was concerned.

Cameron neared, and knowing an introduction was inescapable, Steve decided to do the deed and get it over with. "Liz, this is my partner, Cameron Sinclair. Cam, Liz Adams."

Liz politely held out her slender hand in greeting. "It's nice to meet you."

Cam shook her hand. "The pleasure is all mine," he said as an unmistakably charming grin slid into place.

Unaffected by his blond good looks and flirtatious attempt, Liz merely smiled and glanced back at Steve. "I really need to get going."

He agreed. The sooner she was on her way, the sooner Steve could set Cam straight about a few things, namely, that Liz was taken, and second, that she was a client as well.

Opening the driver's-side door for Liz, he waited for her to get settled in the seat and buckle herself in, knowing damn well that his partner was ogling her smooth, tanned thighs where the hem of her skirt had ridden up.

Steve stepped more fully in front of Cam, blocking the other man's view of Liz's assets. "I'll talk to you tonight," he said, and enclosed her in the small car.

As soon as Liz turned onto the main street, Cam asked without compunction, "So, who's the hot number?"

Steve knew what his friend wanted to know: beyond Liz's name, what was her connection to him, and what was the real scoop between the two of them? "She's a client, and someone I'm seeing, so I'd advise you to keep your eyes, hands, and thoughts to yourself."

Cameron's brows rose in surprise, and he held said hands out to his sides in supplication. "Whoa, what's with the territorial attitude?"

Feeling irritable and provoked, when he was normally so calm and collected, Steve scowled at Cam. "I'm just letting you know up front that she's taken."

"By you, obviously… judging by that kiss I interrupted and that boner you're sporting."

"Go to hell, Sinclair," he growled.

Cameron chuckled and slapped Steve on the back, unfazed by his foul mood. "I've been telling you for months now that you ought to get laid. I'm just glad to see you've taken the advice to heart with one hell of a sexy woman." Cam's affable disposition ebbed into a more serious expression. "But I do have to say, this is the first time I've ever seen you mix business and pleasure. What's up with that?"