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Yarramal poked a finger into a case displaying several ancient tintinabula, one of which was said to have come from beyond the stars on one of the ships that brought the First Fold before the beginning of the Old Times. Yarramal did not subscribe to the theory that Real People were not native to this world. She believed all evidence supporting extraterrestrial origins to have been manufactured....

A distinct clack reverberated throughout the laboratory. Yarramal yipped in surprise. She tried to withdraw her hand from the display. The case ignored her desire. Shredlu noted that she neither panicked nor yielded to an impulse to implore aid of Kintrude and Dubbing. With her free hand, she rolled up her sleeves and began to experiment.

Yarramal remained unaware of Shredlu's presence 'till he reached past and probed the case with the elongated digit of his right hand. The catch devil recognized him and accepted his admonition against further restraining nosy journeymen. Shredlu said nothing, words had little impact upon Tuft Yarramal. He joined the Masters. Yarramal followed.

Shredlu spoke straightforwardly. "Winter's state is the result of a predatory visitation by the tackoo Syathbir Tolis.

There can be no doubt on this point. The tackoo's present whereabouts must be determined. An expedition must be mounted to collect the miscreant so that we may inquire into the causes of its remarkable behavior. To this end, we will now pool our knowledge and resources, reserving nothing, for we have already staked our reputations upon the welfare of the Everay domain."

Kintrude nodded. Dubbing employed all six fingers of his right hand in a gesture indicating absolute agreement. Only Tuft Yarramal disdained demonstration.

Shredlu issued his instructions, Rolo Kintrude to hunt the craggy wastelands to the west; Aleas Dubbing in all his skill to search the haunted forests to the north. The Senior would employ his own powers seeking Syathbir Tolis in the ugly fens and marshes and swamps to the east, known to be a favorite retreat of the more dark and insane Artifact Folk. Tuft Yarramal would examine the registers of Magicians and associated castes in an effort to determine the most probable villains in the case. She could not handle the south; nothing lay in that quarter but a cold, grey heaving ocean.

"We shall gather here again in four hours," Shredlu announced. "I shall provide a banquet. We will plan our expedition."


Nervously, Shubam took down the panels concealing the adonnai orden. each a five foot by seven painting in the neoclassical representationalist mode pioneered by Wensby Strait. Each cast a mythological creature against some well-known attractions outside the city. But for one latecomer by Everay Non Ethan, the paintings remind himself not to be rigidly intolerant of others infatuations. Time tended to suppress the inessential and pretentious.

The features of six olive drab faces filled the spaces once covered by the panels, each taller between lip and eye than was Shredlu between head and toe. The adonnai slept, kerchiefs and mist wisps of ectoplasmic matter darting and larking in their breaths, into their nostrils and out again, to buzz out across the world like worker bees, harvesting the pollen of secrets. Shredlu considered them for several minutes. There were no immediately apparent differences between the six. All would be equally testy if awakened. All harbored an unreasonable resentment over being bound to his service. He had provided the ingrates a warm and secure place to sleep.

"Shubam, have you carried out my instructions?"

"Yes, master." Shubam was a lad of few words, unlike the run of apprentices, who seemed to have automated the hinges of their jaws.

"Then take the table to the very end." He would begin with Xyzzys, the least tractable of the adonnai. If by clever badinage and cunning evasion he compelled Shredlu to waken a second adonnai, more animosity would be directed Xyyzyx's way than Shredlu's. The adonnai resented one another more than any other entity.

Shubam positioned the wheeled table. Shredlu stepped up. His apprentice had failed to overlook any items and had positioned all with absolute precision. Shubam had heard rumors about the fate of his disorderly predecessor. Adonnai featured largely in every version. Adonnai did not restrain their irrational rancor when tempted by lax preliminary work.

"Excellent, Shubam. Would you care to cast the invoking incantations?" They were simple enough.

"Master, I would prefer not to enjoy my first exercise with Xyyzyx."

"Very well, I will not insist." Time was passing. Scarcely two hours before the Everay Magicians assembled. As he commenced the awakening,. Shredlu asked, "Has anyone approached you about our work here?" Particularly about our current course of experiments?"

"No, master." Shubam stirred nervously, warily keeping Shredlu between himself and Xyyzyx.

"Has no one shown any curiosity at all? Tuft Yarramal, perhaps?"

"I have never, to my recollection, spoken directly to the Journeyman."

"Excellent. I urge you to persist in your neglect."

"Thou pestilent Ymarjon," Xyyzyx boomed. "I will not ask thee why thou disturbest mine slumbers. I have

anticipated thine importunities. Thou art, in point of fact, tardy in launching them."

The huge olive face opened its eyes. They proved to be the most human of the an's features, being vastly enlarged orbs identical to those of a brown-eyed man-'till ghosts began to wisp in and out of their pupils.

"You understand what moves me to trouble you?"

"Thou wishest to unravel the mysteries surrounding a theft of dreams."

"You know about that?" Shredlu was troubled. The adonnai were seldom so direct. Xyyzyx in particular preferred evasion and misdirection.

"Much escapes me. I spend my life in sleepy reverie."

Shredlu supposed it was too much to expect the adonnai to volunteer anything though it was obvious the Artifact was deeply concerned and quite possible frightened--if such a creature could make the acquaintance of fear.

"Thou needs must ask the right questions, Ymarjon Shredlu."

It could not shake its nature completely. Shredlu asked questions. Scores upon scores of questions. He studied the huge olive face with every one, taking clue from its swift play of expression whether he pursued the correct will-o'-the wisp. Xyyzyx was doing his best to communicate. This fact continued to impress Shredlu.

In response to a particular inquiry, Xyyzyx replied, "Thou art more intuitive than most would suspect, Ymarjon Shredlu. The call for the tackoo did indeed originate within the Everay domain. Sadly no adonnai can identify the source with precision." Shredlu noted five more pairs of adonnai eyes open and turned his way, though he had done nothing to conjure them forth from their sleep. "The thing was done clumsily, though. As thou hast noted secretly. A lack of skill was revealed both in the summoning itself, and in the concealment of the source and nature of the summons."

The attack originated within the Everay domain and was directed against the Everay domain. If Winter failed to dream, it would be but a few generations till the Everay progression concluded.

"You have placed me deeply into your debt." Shredlu confessed.

"Swift recompense of obligations is urged by all great thinkers. Strike while the mood of generosity is yet upon thee. Let down these prisoning walls."

Shredlu chuckled. "Where is the tackoo Syathbir Tolis? One suspects your reveries might have touched upon this matter."

"Indeed. It was an intriguing task. The tackoo's slow wits reached the inevitable conclusion only after it was too late to desist or recant."

"I presume the tackoo eventually converted to the doctrine that his only hope of salvation lay in hiding. That being what he is, he has long had several refuges prepared."

"Thou art intelligent. For a mere man." The adonnai