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She wondered as the organ began to grow in her hand, she wondered whether a man's cock was this big. With a sudden flush of passion, young Lenny Morgan vowed to find out. She felt a surge of desire in her loins, a wetness that glistened down the insides of her thighs.

"Oh!" she cried out, "Oh! Charley! This is fun, isn't it?"

The big animal nodded and neighed in assent.

Then he came violently all over the front of Lenny's dress. She stared down at the liquid with disbelief; the stuff had a peculiar, yet somehow exciting odor. The sight of it smeared all over her smock thrilled her.

The stirring in her loins grew stronger, more demanding. She could no longer stand it. She could no longer deny herself the thrill. With a rough gesture, she forced her little hand up under her skirt and began to rub her own cunt.

Charley, smelling the female odors, turned his great head and began to lap at her crotch with a long pink tongue.

"Oh Charley!" she cried out involuntarily, then could speak no more. The rough surface of the horse's tongue was grinding against her clitoris in the most sensuous way…

She ripped her panties from her hips, tossing them aside on a bundle of hay.

The horse whinnied beneath her skirts and began to lap even more avidly.

With a shudder, grabbing the horse's ears tightly in her young hands – Lenny Morgan came for the first time in her life. Shoving her lovely young hips against the large animal's head vigorously.

When she had finally spent all the juices stored within her cunt, the young girl bent to kiss the beast's prick tenderly right on the massive head, then scampered up the walk to the main house.

When her mother arrived from town, carrying a large bundle in her arms and asking how the ride had been, Lenny just grinned.

"Charley and I," Lenny said innocently, "had a marvelous time…"


"What do you think, Carl?" Lyle asked.

"I think we might have stumbled onto something really groovy with this chick," the big man answered as he fished a cigar out of his pocket. He always carried several in his trenchcoat. Fat and smelly cigars were Boss Carl's trademark.

"Well," Lyle rubbed his hands together in brisk enthusiasm, "I guess we know everything that we need to know."

Boss Carl raised an arresting hand. "Not so damned fast, actor-boy." He turned his gaze toward the lovely body of Lenny Morgan where it lay on the couch. "Let's see what else we can find in this girl's past. Turn on the tape again – I'm going to ask some more questions."


Out of the swirling haze, she heard Boss Carl's voice once more.

"Lenny, my lovely girl, do you still hear me?"

"Yes, Boss Carl, I hear you."

It was odd, but her own voice sounded to her to be just as distant as Boss Carl's.

"Now, Lenny," the voice droned on, "did you have any other experiences in that field? I mean, experiences with animals in which you stroked them and became excited?"

The mists parted slowly, she was hitching along a highway now. She was eighteen years old.

The automobiles sped by without even glancing at her. She was discouraged. She hadn't thought it would be so difficult to hitchhike to the city. No one seemed to care about her. No one seemed to be willing to give her a ride into the future.

Sobbing quietly, the young woman sat by the road. There was no one else around and she began to feel a deep, intense loneliness.

Suddenly, there was a noise behind her. It was a bull in the field by the road. He was large and strong with a mean red look in his eyes.

Lenny turned toward him in fright. But she soon realized that she was safe. Not only was the animal fenced into the small pasture, but he also seemed to be friendly and curious.

Lenny moved to the fence and held out a handful of grass. The beast took it shyly and walked some distance away before eating it. After he had digested the entire handful of grass, the bull turned toward her with a baleful look in his eyes.

"Come on, Boss," she said temptingly, holding out another handful of grass. "Come on, Bossie, get something to eat."

The monstrous beast moved closer to her and pulled the handful of grass eagerly into his mouth. This time, the large bull did not move away. He opened his great mouth and mooed in the most mournful of tones.

"Whatcha want, Bossie?" the young woman asked gently, stroking his massive black head.

The animal whooped and pressed his huge chest against the barb wire fence, heedless of the sharp prongs that dug into his flesh.

"Oh!" Lenny cried out in sympathy. "You're going to hurt yourself!" Impulsively, she clambered through the fence and led the bull toward the center of the field. He bellowed and moaned as her soft hands caressed his immensely muscular body.

By chance, Lenny glanced beneath his belly and saw a movement. She was startled at first, for it seemed to be an independently living thing. Then she realized that the motion was the rising of the bull's own male organ. Fascinated, she stepped back and gazed at it. It was colossal. Perhaps a foot and a half in length when fully erect.

"Bossie," she said in a hushed voice, "that is a big one!"

Bending quickly, Lenny scampered under the great heaving belly of the beast and took his immense cock in both her hands. She rubbed her palms together enthusiastically, until the friction made the red organ hot and hard as a piece of freshly tempered steel.

Then, without even a second thought, Lenny took the thick head of the bull's penis in her mouth. He hunched his hindquarters and humped rhythmically at her red lips. She sucked vigorously and noisily.

The beast began to bellow happily. Lenny moved back for an instant to catch her breath.

"Like it, lover?" she asked seductively, stroking his swelling underbelly. His answer was a roar that threatened to shake the fence posts from their places.

Laughing gaily, Lenny closed her full luscious red lips over the head of the bull's huge rod once more. She sucked and sucked, bobbing her head back and forth rhythmically, working against the thrusts of the heavy animal's body.

Suddenly, the beast's back legs skidded out straight and stiff behind him. He braced and shivered ecstatically. With a great bellow and whoosh of hot liquid, the animal came into Lenny's willing and waiting mouth.

"Um," she crooned happily, wiping at the corners of her mouth. "Umm, lover bull, umm!"

Then the mists began to close around her again, the bull disappeared, and she was only aware of a rushing through time. A rushing controlled by the mysterious Boss Carl and his truth serum – sodium pentathol.

The great booming voice came through the shroud of fog once more. "Lenny, Lenny…" it echoed. "That was very interesting, but was there anything more that happened?"

She smiled at the suggestion. Yes, she thought coyly, there was one thing more. But it was so strange and embarrassing she had never told anyone of it. She did not want to tell anyone of it.

"You must tell me," Boss Carl's voice thundered ominously. "You must tell me, Lenny."

And the mists cleared once more.

She was in the zoo. It was quite late and only a few die-hard stragglers were headed for the dark gateways. She had stopped to hustle an attractive young attendant.

"Well honey," Lenny crooned seductively, "don't you get off from work soon?" She was twenty-one and already a full-time prostitute and part-time dancer. She was working her way up in the world.

"Yeah," the young man grinned. "Yeah, sure, baby. But I gotta clean out one more cage before we take off."

"Oh, good!" Lenny chirped. "That sounds real interesting. I just love animals. Can I come and help you?" It was actually true. Lenny did love animals. Sometimes they seemed much nicer to her than people. Much friendlier…