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You let him live, Alice.”

“And the Cheshire didn’t possess him?”

“No, because they never met. The Cheshire is as vicious as he’s always been. Nothing’s changed.”

“I heard rumors he was dead.”

“They’re not true. Although he was going to, being left alone in the cold without a soul to posses.”

“How did he live then?”

“He possessed a parasite. Some sort of bacteria.”

“How convenient.”

“He’s always been a parasite of souls. He’s also the most important Wonderland Monster at the moment.”

“Because he knows where Jack hid the keys?”

The Pillar nods, still sharing the view affront. “Pretty stupid move to throw the keys at him in the past, I must say.”

“You have no idea how emotionally draining that moment at the bus stations was,” I say. “So stop being practical.”

“I’d like to sympathize, but if you’re going to keep saving lives, you need be stronger than that,” he knocks his cane on the floor, once. “But still, you should be proud you saved Jack’s life.”

“I know, although he’ll never talk to me again.”

“Yes. That will never happen,” the Pillar says. “And it will hurt a lot.”

“Sometimes I hate your bluntness.”

“Some would argue it’s called the truth.”

“A painful one,” I say. “Any advise how I should live with it.”

“Pain is like a glue to the skin. Try to rip it off and it will take a piece of you with it.”

“And the solution?”

“The solution is to understand there is no solution.”

“That’s optimistic.” I roll my eyes.

“Once you neglect it will wither away. Pain is like the Cheshire. A parasite. It can only feed on you if you let it.”

I have little to contribute to this logic. Maybe because the pain is so fresh. Maybe because I saved Jack, and was hurt again in return. I rest my case.”

“And don’t worry about the corpse they buried instead of you,” The Pillar says. “I took care of things.”

I don’t even want to know what he did.

“Are we good?” he asks.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you comfortable with resisting the Bad Alice in you?”

“I’m not sure.”

“But you’re not her now.”

I didn’t know how to answer that. The concept of having good and evil inside me still makes me uncomfortable. I need time to get used to it and know what I want. “I have a question, Pillar.”

“I’ll answer if I know. Lie to you if I don’t.”

“Why am I alive, even though I didn’t find my Wonder?”

“Who said you didn’t?” The Pillar points at Jack again. “What is a greater Wonder than saving a loved one’s life?”

I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about it. But the Pillar may be right. My Wonder is Jack. Saving his life, to be precise.

I watch him for a bit longer until another girl comes and wraps her arms around him and kisses him. It’s my stepsister Lorina.

Chapter 90

“I guess Jack has a thing for the Wonder family,” the Pillar remarks.

I say nothing. Just watch Jack ride his motorcycle with Lorina behind him. I know I have to forget about him forever, although I don’t know how. I turn to face the Pillar. “So you did all of this to convert me from a Bad Alice to a Good Alice.”

“I wasn’t sure it’d work. You made it work.”

“And I hated you for pulling me out of the asylum all the time.”

“A lot of people hate me lately. I’m familiar with the concept.”

“How did you ever know I was the Real Alice?”

“That’s a long story. No need to dig up more secrets now. There are more important matters at stake.”

“Like what?”

“Like making sure you can control the Bad Alice inside you.”

“I don’t know if it’s possible.”

“I guess only time will tell. There are still other important things, anyways.”

“Please tell me.”

“Another Wonderland Monster is coming.”

“This week?”

“Yes. Saying he is the darkest of all is an understatement.”

“You always say that.”

“This one has a personal grudge against you.”

“Really?” I grimace.

“It’s going to be a hard test for you.”

“Explain, please.”

“The next Wonderland Monster is someone you hurt badly when you were the Bad Alice.”

“I see.”

“He has an agenda of his own. On top of it is making you suffer.”

“How will he do that?”

“It will depend on who you choose to be. Good Alice, he will make you suffer by letting you see the world suffer. Bad Alice, he will have to hurt you personally.”

“I’m ready for him,” I say. There is a certain confidence speaking in me. I feel stronger. Part of me has the cruelty of evil inside. The other part has the innocence of goodness. I believe they can complement each other.

“Ready and optimistic aren’t enough reason to face him.”

“Then what is?”

“Not being ready. Always be pessimistic in your hopes with a monster. Always believe you will fail. Because if you feel a tinge of optimism, they will see it and stab you the same moment you thought you won.”

“I understand,” I say. “But seriously, Pillar, why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you save me?”

“Everyone deserves a second chance.”

“That sounds noble, but let’s not fool ourselves. I know you’re not a saint walking around and doing good deeds. I need to understand why. Please be honest.”

The Pillar shrugs. He slowly reaches for something in his chest pocket. He pulls out a yellow piece of paper. It’s folded and he grips it hard.

I am curious.

Chapter 91


“You have what I want?” Margaret asked the Queen of Hearts.

“I do,” the Queen said. “But you didn’t really have to blackmail me, Duchess. You could just have asked.”

“You never listen.”

“Then you could just have shut up.”

Margaret shrugged. “I need you to fulfill your part of the deal. Give me back what belongs to me.”

“I will.” The Queen called her guards and told them to let the woman with the red fur in.

Margaret stared at the woman for a long time. It was good to see her, but this wasn’t the deal. “Where is he?”

“Patience,” the woman in the red fur said, and then clapped her hands.

A chubby young boy entered the room. He licked an ice cream and looked confused.

Margaret’s eyes moistened. She opened up her arms, waiting for him to come to her. But the boy stood there licking on his ice cream.

“Don’t you remember me?” Margaret said.

The boy shook his head.

“I’m your mother.”

“My mother is the woman in the red fur.”

“No.” Margaret got on her knees. “I am your mother. They lied to you.”

“If you’re my mother, then you must be deliciously evil. Do you like to hurt people?”

Margaret was shocked.

“Yes, dear Duchess,” the Queen of Hearts interrupted. “Your son grew to be one of us. He is a nasty Black Chess member now. I’m proud of him.”

“You filthy b—”

“No need for swearing. I took your son from you back then so you’d always do as I say. Now I brought him back. You should be thankful.”

“But he is — ”

“He is not going to remember you’re his mother or return to his old self unless I cure him,” the Queen said. “And I won’t do that until we win the war.”

“So you’ve planned this from the beginning. You knew you wouldn’t give him back to me.”

“I may be short, but I’m smarter than you. How many times do I need to spell it out for you?”