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“Who you calling a bitch, fuckhead?” Mac let his wrist go and grabbed him by the throat. “Apologize to the lady before I crush you.”

Wilson choked. A few people nearby who’d heard the insult cheered Mac’s efforts, while the chatter around them grew more excited.

Maggie tugged at Mac’s arm. “Cut it out. The bouncers are coming over. You’ll get in trouble.”

She sounded like she cared. He hated that his heart raced because she might.

“Sure thing, sweetcakes.” He smiled at her sudden glare. “I’ll let him go just as soon as dickhead here apologizes.”

“Then maybe you should give him air so he can breathe.” She took her hand from him and crossed her arms over her full breasts, clearly outlined in a pretty blue sweater that clung to her curves.

Man, he wanted to see if her sweater was as soft as it looked, and more, if those breasts were a true handful. Mac had big hands, and Maggie had a build that promised to fulfill all his dreams.

Her eyes narrowed when she saw the direction of his gaze.

“Uh, Mac, you need to let him go,” Shane said from just behind him. “He’s turning purple.”

Mac loosened his grip. “Everyone’s a critic. Well, Wilson? We’re waiting.”

Wilson drew in huge breaths of air and stuttered a half-assed apology.

 “Great. He’s sorry. Now let him go,” Maggie ordered.

Mac released Wilson and stepped back, putting himself between the guy and Maggie. “Time to go, friend.”

The bouncers arrived. The bigger of the two, who might have proven a true threat if it came down to a fight, grinned at Mac. “Surprise, surprise. You causing problems again, Jameson?”

Mac smiled back at Jonas, a fellow weight-lifter he occasionally worked out with from the gym. “Nah. Dickhead here must have had too much to drink. He was getting a little grabby with Maggie, but I think he decided he’s done for the night.”

Wilson rubbed his throat and nodded. He glared up at Mac but didn’t say a word.

“Good to know.” Jonas latched onto Wilson’s arm. “Let me help you out. Bill, let’s escort Mr. Dickhead to the door.” Bill and Jonas walked Wilson out.

Pleased to have dealt with the guy without knocking out all his teeth, Mac turned to Maggie, prepared to receive her gratitude.

Instead, she knocked him in the chest. “What are you doing?”

Even in the dim light of the bar, he saw her flush. Man, he hated that she looked even better when embarrassed. As usual, his imagination prodded him to wonder if she looked that pink all over when she blushed.

Shane’s chuckle turned to a cough when Maggie included him in her scowl.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Mac replied, overly polite. “Was I supposed to let him feel you up, then drag you back to his place for some fun? You looking to get bent over for a good hard fu—”

She clapped a hand over his mouth. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”

“I’m telling Shelby about this later.” Shane sounded way too amused.

Maggie threatened, “You do and I’m telling her you were flirting with those girls at the bar. Yeah, I saw you.”

“I was not.” Shane didn’t sound so pleased now.

Mac licked the fingers over his mouth, wanting to lick a helluva lot more than that. Man, he loved it when she turned mean.

Maggie whipped her hand away, looking so appealing he had half a mind to throw her over his shoulder and take her somewhere private for the rest of the night. Hell, make that, the rest of the month.

“You are such a Neanderthal.”

“Flatterer.” Mac winked.

She sighed. “I didn’t need your help. I was talking to Brent when that jerk Wilson showed up. I recognized them from the gym, so I didn’t think anything about it. They would have walked away if you hadn’t—”

“Bent his hand back like a pretzel?” he offered. “Showed him how to behave around women?”

“Stuck your big fat head where it didn’t belong.” She seethed. Her blond hair fluttered like a halo around her face when she shook her head. “I know you thought you were helping, but I had it all under control.”

“Yeah? How? By playing the part of a bone between two hungry dogs? Brent’s not so bad, but Wilson is definitely an asshole.”

She blew out a breath. “Well, yeah. But you didn’t have to be so—”

“Forceful? Manly? Impressive?”

“Intrusive. Domineering. Aggressive,” she countered.

“Don’t forget obnoxious and brutal,” Shane had to add.

Mac flipped him the finger, which only made his best friend laugh.

Maggie groaned. “Is it too much to ask that I have a relaxing night away from Jameson’s Gym? Just one.”

She had been putting a lot of hours in at work, but only because so many patrons wanted to take her class. Ever since Maggie had started working for him four months ago, she’d steadily grown her aerobics following from one class once a week to two classes five days a week. And people wanted more.

“Sorry, baby. Want me to rub your shoulders to relax you?” Before she could protest, he put his hands on her, the way he’d been wanting to since he’d seen her appear in the bar. He kept his touch firm but not punishing, and her moan turned him instantly hard.

“Get off me, and don’t call me baby.” Yet she made no move to leave his touch.

“Why not see Shelby for a massage? You look tense,” Shane noted.

Mac could vouch for Shane’s girlfriend. Shelby continued to work on his knee, and her deep tissue work had actually improved his flexibility. “Yeah, Shelby would help if you asked.”

“I’m fine. I know Shelby would help if I asked. I’m her best friend, remember?” Maggie tugged her shoulder away, and Mac grudgingly let her go.

Man, I need to get laid. Any more time near Maggie Doran and I might explode. He shoved his hands in his pockets and tried to concentrate on willing away his erection. “Hey, if this is because I’m working you too hard, I can always cut back on your hours.” He liked her around, but he didn’t want to work her to death.

“No. Actually, I need the workouts, and the extra money helps.” She rolled her shoulders. “But that wasn’t bad, Jameson.”

She never called him Mac, and that distance bothered him. “No problem, Doran.”

“You’re good. You should think about going into massage therapy. Especially given your wonderful way with people.”

Shane snorted. “Yeah, like he could really give Shelby a run for her money.”

“Ha ha.” Mac sneered at Shane before turning his attention back to Maggie. “Don’t worry, sweetcakes. I’m not giving up my day job.”

“About that,” Shane said. “So is your uncle really quitting the gym and leaving it all you or what? He’s been saying that for two years.”

“Who the hell knows? Ian Jameson is as big a pain in my ass as you are.”

“I strive to please.”

Maggie snickered and said to Shane, “You are a pain, but a cute one. I’ve never seen Shelby happier than she’s been with you.”

Shelby—Maggie’s best friend. Yet another reason Mac should end his fascination with the woman. Bad enough Maggie worked for him. She was also best friends with Shane’s girlfriend. Too many close ties would turn their relationship to shit when a fling between them ended.

No fling. No relationship. No sex. The woman is trouble. How sad he had to remind himself of that fact daily.

Mac tuned back in to the conversation and heard something about a Christmas party. Feeling less than celebratory after realizing he’d spend another lonely night without female companionship, he got up to order another beer.

The women at the end of the bar waved at him. He nodded back but made no move to engage. Since the day he’d first laid eyes on her, Mac’s desire burned for one woman and one woman only.