Wrapped in Rain

Wrapped in Rain
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Год: 2005
Добавил: Admin 31 Май 18
Проверил: Admin 31 Май 18
Формат:  EPUB (835 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


"Tucker, I want to tell you a secret,"
Miss Ella curled my hand into a fist and showed it to me.

"Life is a battle, but you can't fight it with your fists. You got to fight it with your heart."An internationallly famous photographer, he has traveled the world and seen both the serious and the strange. But when his brother escapes from a mental hospital and an old girlfriend appears with her son and a black eye, Tucker is forced to return home and face the agony of his own tragic past.

Back in rural Alabama, Tucker comes to terms with the ghosts he left behind. Miss Ella Rain once loved Tuck and his brother like they were her very own. Hiring her to take care of Waverly Hall and to keep them out of sight was the only good thing their father ever did. And though Miss Ella has been gone for many years, Tuck can still hear her voice.

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