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To take my thoughts away from the morrow, I forced myself into an erotic frame of mind. I grasped my husband's stiff prick, lifted one leg and rubbed the knob up and down along my slit. I rubbed my breasts against his chest, kissing him and wriggling against him, rousing us both.

“Say — we are sexy tonight, aren't we!” he gasped, nevertheless taking full advantage of the situation.

“Any complaints?” I grinned in the darkness.

“No complaints!”

“Come — come on, darling, take me!” I panted, squirming on to my back and opening my legs.

He needed no second invitation; he was on me, between my thighs and his hot penis shoved up me to the hilt almost before I had the words out.

I lay back, lifting my pelvis up for his deep thrusts, legs locked over his. His mouth crushed down on mine and I felt him come, gouts of semen squirting into me from his throbbing prick. I jerked my buttocks high off the bed to keep him right inside me, as I came myself. When it was over, I got out of bed again.

“You still didn't remember to get those tablets, did you?”

“Hell — yes! I did-forgot all about them; they're in my coat pocket.”

“Fat lot of good they'll do there! One of them should have been in me! Oh, well-at least we have got some. I'll remember them next time.”

“Like-tomorrow morning?”

“Sex maniac!”

I gave myself a douche and came back to bed. He was lying back, relaxed, with the light on. He turned towards me as I climbed in.

“Behave yourself over the week-end?” he grinned.

“I always behave myself!”

“More to the point-did Stella?”

On that old tack again! I felt more annoyed than guilty then; annoyed because he had brought into focus what I was to face in the morning.

“You know Stella will get to know about what you call her one day and bring a libel suit, or something! You keep harping on the subject-what do you think she did at Bridlington-raped me?”

“That would have been interesting!”

“I do believe that if anything like that happened, you'd want to watch!”

“I'll bet that would be quite an exhibition!”

Stung, I turned to look at him.

“Would you like me to arrange it? I'll say 'Stella, my husband says you are a lesbian and wants to watch you make love to me-naked, of course!' Would that suit you?”

“Oh, come off it, Rita-I'm only pulling your leg.”

And there it ended. Needless to say-I slept worse than badly that night, dreading the morning and the time Phil would leave for the office, leaving me to the tender mercies of my darling daughter!


Phil brought me my cup of tea and rushed off, late for work. I got out of bed, started to put on a nightie, thought better of it and got back into bed again. What was the use of a nightie-it would only add to embarrassment when I had to take it off again. I assumed Jane would want me in bed, unless she had any new ideas!

Again, I got out of the bed, paced up and down naked. No, better get into bed again-she'd be here any minute. I wetted a sponge at the wash-basin, sponged between my legs to have as little odour as possible, in case she wanted to use her mouth on me. I shuddered at the thought of the fantastic situation. Jane using her mouth on me, her mother! I got back into bed and pulled the sheets up to my chin, waiting.


I must have dozed off; as I opened my eyes, there was Jane pulling the sheet back and climbing into bed with me. I moved over to give her room, keeping my face averted. Eagerly, she snuggled into me, running her hands over my body.

“All lovely and bare.” She sat up and pulled off her nightie, then lay down again, stroking me.

I laud still, on my back, my legs slightly parted, as she caressed me, not looking at her. She forced me to, eventually, turning my face and pressing her lips to mine.

“Love me, mummy,” she whispered, getting on top of me and holding me tightly.

“I thought that was what you wanted to do to me,” I whispered back.

“I want what you and Stella do-love each other.”

She rolled from me, then, and her hands were wandering over my body again, finally lifting one of my breasts and taking the nipple into her mouth. Then began the sucking and licking that caused such havoc with my body, no matter what my frame of mind. Both nipples received the treatment and I had to lie still while she examined her handiwork afterwards, the two buttons of flesh rampant and red with erotic desire.

“Now I want you to make mine like that.”

Without a word, I turned as she lay on her back and took one of her nipples between my lips, feeling it warm and beginning to stir. “Suck it, mummy,” she murmured. “Suck it hard”!

Doing my best to keep from thinking anything at all, I sucked, bringing the young teat to its full size.

“Now the other one,” she breathed ecstatically.

I worked on the other until it was in the same condition. She pressed close to me again, then, her hands fondling; my breasts were stroked and the nipples squeezed. Then her hands wandered down to my hips — smoothed over them, down along my thighs and back up. She made me turn on to my stomach, then, while she stroked my buttocks and the backs of my thighs, kissing my back and shoulders. I felt one finger just below my bottom, gently pressing between my thighs. I knew she was eventually going to go for my “vital spot.” It would have been more embarrassing having her force my legs open than doing it voluntarily.

Resting my head on my arms, I allowed my thighs to splay open wide enough for her hand. I couldn't suppress a gasp as her slim fingers touched my vulva; my face was hot with shame as a finger slipped between the lips and moved down to my clitoris.

I lay still while she carried out her exploration; I forced my body to relax as her fingers left my sex and pulled open my buttocks. I jerked as a finger-tip touched my anus, pressed, slipped inside; groaned with shame and pain as she pushed in further and wiggled the finger in my rectum. The finger was withdrawn, but my bottom-cheeks were still held open. Feasting her eyes on her mother's backside, I thought; Lord-what is she going to want next?

The next second I jerked hard and almost rebelled, as I felt the soft warmth of her mouth at my bottom-hole.

“Jane-do you have to go that far?” I muttered.

“Oh, yes, mummy-you're so beautiful there!”

Then her tongue was pushing into me. I suffered that for a while, then I was having my whole behind covered with passionate kisses. She was getting bolder as she went along, finding no resistance. My thighs were pulled wide while she had a close look at my sex from the back. Her hands pushed and pulled at my hips, then, and I allowed myself to be turned on to my back, lying with my legs apart while she gazed down at me.

“You're so lovely, mummy,” she murmured, then she was cohering my front with kisses in an excess of passion. I looked at my nipples as she kissed, seeing them huge and almost raw with desire. I looked, then, at the slim body of my naked daughter, kneeling over me, kissing and fondling, her long blonde hair trailing over my own body.