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Now what did I do? Where was this all going to end?

When I was about to go across to Stella for lunch, Jane called me back.

“Er — mummy. I've been thinking about Stella; I would like to have her as I did you this morning.”

“Jane you can't be serious!”

“Oh, but I am. I'm quite sure I could give her pleasure, too-I made you have a nice spend this morning, didn't I?” She went on after a slight pause. “You'll arrange it at lunch, won't you, mummy?”

“Jane, I can't possibly…”

“It would be a shame if I had to tell dad all about it-and what will he say when I tell him what you did to me this morning?”

“I–I'll ask her, then, but…”

“And you'll ask her to come over here tomorrow morning, when we have our little love session?” I looked into her eyes, seeing the calculating woman I had for a daughter.

“You're really determined about it, aren't you.” I said quietly.

“It's only a little love I want. Tell Stella that, won't you?”

“You force me to ask her and that is what I shall do.”

“You must do more than that, mummy-you must persuade her. I want you both. You will persuade her, won't you, mummy?”

I heaved a deep sigh, as I whispered.

“Yes, Jane.”


The following morning, Phil was hardly out of the house before Jane came in for her pound of flesh and I had to go through the whole scene again.

She made me bring her on with my mouth, after the usual breast-sucking, then I had to lie with my legs apart while she frigged me to my climax, taking a delight in watching my face as I came.

Afterwards, I had to follow the routine she had mapped out for the morning. I sponged away the spend from between her legs and gave her my make-up to use.

When she was ready, she settled herself on the bed again and smiled up at me. “You can call her now, mummy.” Slowly, I left the bedroom and went downstairs to where Stella sat with a glass of scotch in one hand and a cigarette in the other, trying to bolster her courage. I hadn't needed to persuade her when I told her of Jane's threats again. She looked up as I came in.

“Now?” When I nodded, she swallowed the scotch in one gulp and stood up. “This way-I'm to take you up.”

We went into the bedroom and poor Stella stood hesitating as she looked at my daughter lying naked on the bed, her legs open and waiting, smiling at us.

“Help her undress, mummy.”

Stella and I looked at each other helplessly then Stella started to unbutton her dress. I helped her get it over her head; I removed her bra as she bent to unfasten her suspenders, all the time feeling Jane's eyes on us.

“Help her get her knickers off, too.”

Stella silently allowed me to help get her panties off, then she stood naked.

“Over here, now,” called Jane, her eyes glued to Stella's lovely bared body.

Slowly Stella walked over to the bed and lay down beside my daughter.

“All right, mummy-you may go now. I'll let you watch the next time; I want to have her alone first.”

I looked back once as I went out and saw Stella moving down to crouch between Jane's spread legs.

* * *

It was my turn to sit downstairs and drink scotch while I waited. Half an hour went by and then Stella came in, her hair slightly dishevelled, doing up the buttons of her dress.

“She's a hot little bitch, isn't she!”

“I'm sorry, Stella,” I said fervently.

“Can't be helped now, darling,” she said. “As you saw before you went out, she made me use my mouth on her; she's getting ideas, though-wouldn't let me make her spend like that and get it over with. I had to kneel on all fours while she frigged me from behind — I couldn't hold back from having an orgasm. That wasn't the end of it, though. She sucked this nipple.” Stella put a hand tenderly to her left breast. “Sucked it until it nearly came off! Then I had to lie back while she straddled me and rubbed herself off on it. Of course, her hands were everywhere-and her mouth! Even my bottom was investigated thoroughly, hole included!”

“What are we going to do with her?”

“What can we do-except as she demands!”

The door opened and Jane came in, looking all slinky and satisfied-she should be, I thought, having had the two of us in one morning!

“That was gorgeous,” she purred. “I really do love you both. I want to see you kiss each other-properly, I mean. Go on-a nice, passionate kiss!”

Stella and I looked at her and then at each other; Stella took me into her arms without fuss and I slid my arms round her neck. Our lips met and clung and for a moment we forgot all about Jane.

“Great!” She brought us back to earth. “Now I have a plan for the three of us. Tomorrow morning we will all three make love together-how about that?”

“Jane-is there no depth to your depravity?” Stella asked, releasing me.

“I call it love!”

“Well, whatever you say, we have to comply with, I suppose.” Stella looked at me. “Come and have lunch with me again, Rita — help take your mind off this business,” she said pointedly.

“All right.”

“But we will all make love together tomorrow, won't we?” Jane insisted. “If you say so, Jane.”

“All nice and bare in bed,” she said, half to herself, eyes shining. “All right-you go and have lunch, then.”

“Come out now, Rita,” said Stella, “and I'll drive you over to 'The Grapes' for a drink first.”

I tidied up and we went out-as far as the gate; Jane came running after us.

“I've just thought of something. If you're going for a drink first, what time will you be having lunch.”

Stella looked at her watch.

“Oh, about two, or thereabouts. Why?”

“Well, I suppose you'll want to make love afterwards.”

“Look, Jane-you've got what you wanted; you don't have to pry into what we do alone together, if you're getting your whack.” Stella said in exasperation.

“Oh, I wouldn't interfere-what you did for me this morning was wonderful, and, after all, I shall have both of you to do it tomorrow.”

“Well, why the questioning?”

“I'd like to watch you doing it!”

“You don't want to come in on that, too, surely?”

“Oh, no,” she said airily, strolling away. “I just want to watch. I have a lot to learn yet, you know. It'll be nice being able to sit back and see the two of you naked and all loving; much more comfortable that way, than having to stand outside at night, looking in through a window-couldn't hear what was said half the time!”

“All right, Jane, you needn't go on-come over about two-thirty,” sighed Stella.

Jane strolled back up the path, then turned and came back, obviously having another diabolical idea, judging by the look on her face.

“And I should like to see you use that lovely big rubber thing on each other this afternoon-what was it you called it-'Fred'? You'll be all ready now, won't you?”

Stella and I gave her one long stare and then looked at each other again, shaking our heads as we felt utter defeat.