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"Shameful," Tabitha Bates ducked, shaking her head sadly. "That's how he spoils our dogs at home. He just gives them anything they want."

"Inconsiderate little bitch!" Larry shouted, yanking on Lisa's leash so hard that the gorgeous blonde choked and spluttered. "Reverend Bates needs that hand to eat, you selfish little dog. He can't have you slurping on it all night long."

Larry couldn't conceal the pleasure in his voice. He had succeeded in turning Lisa from a cold-hearted, money-grubbing bitch to a pain-and-degradation loving submissive in one single afternoon.

He had never dreamed that her subjugation would be so easy. Now he had one of the most beautiful women he had ever met as a personal sex slave. She was going to be the perfect wife.

"You've already met Elsa," he said, nodding down the table at the sultry European girl. "You've already kissed her, so all you have to do is bark hello."

Lisa moaned in self-disgust at Larry's latest order. She heard laughter around the table, and the realization struck he with a hammer blow of shame that these were the people she had intended to dazzle tonight, the people she had thought would respect and admire her because of her husband's wealth and her beauty.

Instead she was groveling at their feet, on exhibit in a skittish rag of a dress. She was crawling around on the floor to be made fun of like some sideshow freak, her arms trapped from wrist to elbow in a single leather sheath, her ankles hobbled by chains and a dog collar encircling her throat.

"Bark, doggie," Elsa ordered, her dark eyes gleaming with cruel excitement. "Bark, doggie, or I'll have to whip you."

Lisa's pussy clamped on itself, as though it were collapsing under some great weight. She moaned, low and throaty, and she couldn't keep her silky thighs from squirming together. The people gathered around the table laughed at her louder, and Otis congratulated Larry on the catch he'd made at finding her. Elsa just waited for Lisa to bark, and as she waited she picked her steak knife up off the table.

"Woof!" Lisa barked at last, tears of shame running down her pretty face, drops of cunt cream glistening on her tender pink pussy lips. "Woof! Woof, Elsa! Woof! Woof!"

"That's very good, doggie," Elsa said, putting her knife back down on the table. "Now go around and meet our other guests."

Larry dragged Lisa back the way she had come, making her crawl past John and Tabitha Bates and around the head of the table. John stooped down to grab one of Lisa's full, sagging tits as she crawled past him, and Tabitha rubbed the toe of her shoe up and down Lisa's inviting, hairless ass crack.

The girl squirmed with delight at their callous prodding. She felt like a sex doll a desirable piece of meat to be abused and discarded. The thought broke her heart and shattered her self respect, but it also made her uncontrollably hot.

"Say hello to the sheriff," Larry said. "Bark hello and give him a kiss."

"Woof!" Lisa cried as she barked up at the man's leering, laughing face. "Woof, Sheriff North. Woof!"

"Here," Otis said. He was ready for her, his zipper opened his fat cock out in the open. "Kiss me on my big old cock."

The sheriff's cock was huge. It was also almost as long as Larry's and thicker by half. Lisa's cunt burned with need at the sight of the fat fucker, and Lisa's lips quivered with need as she leaned don over the throbbing spear of cock meat.

Her lips were parted slightly when she planted them on the bulging head of the sheriff's cock. She snuck her tongue out between them as she dragged her mouth back and forth over the fat cock head, licking at the crevice of his pin slit. She spilled her spit over the pink, fat prick head, then licked it away before it could run down the stocky length of the prick stalk.

"The bitch has some talent," Otis rasped, whistling with admiration at the talented wash of Lisa's lips and tongue over the head of his cock. "Better pull her off before I fuck her right here."

"Came on, dog!" Larry shouted, making Lisa pull her mouth off the sheriff's cock. "Time to meet Faith Heston. You ought to be very nice to Faith. She looks just like you would if you weren't a little bitch mutt."

Lisa looked up at the beautiful blonde with a mix of shame and envy. Larry was right. Faith was perhaps the only woman in the whole town who was better looking than Lisa. She was almost six feet tall, her body willowy but somehow still perfectly proportioned. Her long hair was naturally blonde and flowed halfway down her back. Her face was so aristocratic that just looking at her made Lisa feel like some sort of vile commoner.

"Woof, Faith!" Lisa barked, tears shimmering in her eyes while a fire blazed in her cunt. "Woof!"

"Kiss my pussy, Lisa," Faith said simply, turning slightly in her seat and spreading her legs. "Kiss my pussy hello."

Faith Heston was wearing a gown more beautiful than Lisa's had been even before Elsa and Larry had altered it. And Faith filled her gown more seductively than Lisa could have filled hers. Lisa felt shabby and threadbare in front of the gorgeous woman, and she knew that what little of her pride remained was wilting away in Faith's presence. It was also somehow more demeaning to be called by her name than by the filthy words the others used. The final humiliation Faith visited on Lisa was not pulling her dress up but simply parting her legs and waiting for Lisa to stick her head up beneath the hem.

Lisa couldn't resist brushing Faith's satiny skin with her lips as she traveled toward the juncture of the girl's perfect thighs. Lisa had never met a woman more beautiful than herself, and there was something hypnotizing about being in the service of someone so perfect. Lisa felt her cunt juice running down her legs, and she knew she was further disgracing herself with her show of excitement.

"I think she really likes you, Faith," Otis said around a mouthful of food. "Her cunt looks like a fucking waterfall."

"It's nice to have a pretty girl for a slave, isn't it?" Faith asked Elsa, then she arched her back with pleasure when Lisa's lips found her golden rimmed pussy. "I've never had one as attractive as Lisa. And she's so submissive."

"Come aver anytime," Elsa answered, smiling in joined conspiracy with the other girl. "I'm sure Mr. Hart wouldn't mind you using her."

Lisa shuddered with shame as they discussed her like some communal sex toy. The shame added to the pleasure she was experiencing at kissing the pretty lips of Faith's pussy, and a weak orgasm flicked through her squirming, sexy body. Lisa knew that it was just the first of many orgasms she would experience with these people tonight.

Lisa had never kissed another woman's cunt, hut she was almost as turned on by the experience as she had been by sucking cock. There was something both repulsive and attractive about kissing a woman's pussy. It was perverse and wrong, but it was as though she had been immersed in a world of dark, wet warmth. Lisa retched and orgasmed at the same time, and she wondered if she would ever feel sexual pleasure without being hurt or degraded in some fashion.

"That's enough," Faith said, nodding to Larry. She was turning back around in her chair before Lisa's head was even out from under her dress, and one of her feet clipped Lisa's head, almost knocking the girl senseless. "She doesn't know when to quit, though. Lisa's a sluttish little thing, no matter how good she looks."

Lisa burned with shame, tears sparkling once more in her crystal-blue eyes at Faith's callous dismissal. She had tried to hard to please the exquisite girl. She had favored her pussy to a wetter and longer kiss than she had given any of the others. It hurt her badly to be discarded so abrupt by the wondrous blonde.

Then she saw the sly smile Faith was sharing with Elsa, and she knew that the blonde had pushed her away for just that reason, to make her feel more worthless and despicable than ever.