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She was going to have to eat that vile mess. She had dreamed of eating expensive delights and impressing the most powerful people in town. Instead, she was pushing her face into a dish filled with dog chow and laced with her husband's cock cream. Everyone laughed at her as she pushed her face into the gooey muck and gulped down the foul meal. The needles spiked even deeper into Lisa's tender tits, and she felt a new rise of ecstasy inside her.

"Lisa looks so cute with dog food all over her face," Faith observed, watching the degraded blonde with excitement. "That gooey brown smeared all over her pert little nose and pouting lips and pretty cheeks. I can't wait to see her face covered with my shit. I'll probably cum just looking at her."

Lisa climaxed just thinking about it, knowing for certain now that they could keep degrading her forever. She orgasmed again at the knowledge that she wouldn't walk away from it now – even if they decided to set her free.


John Bates was the first one to finish with dinner, and he was also the first one to take a turn with Lisa. While she was eating her cum laced dog food, the sultry young blonde had listened to the others bicker over who was going to have first turn with her. It seemed that Otis and Roland wanted to take her at the same time, so they were pushed down on the list. Most frightening of all was Tabitha Bates, who decided that Lisa might not be any good for a while after she was finished with her. She was going to go last. That left only John Bates and Faith Heston, and Faith was willing to wait and watch while John went first.

Gracious hosts, neither Larry nor Elsa planned to take turns abusing Lisa's tender young body. They, after all, would have her for as long as they liked. Instead they let their guests haggle over what order they should assault her in.

Elsa wiped Lisa's soiled face with a wet towel while John unfastened the stocks and chains that held the supple blonde beauty in bondage. Once again, Elsa made Lisa suck the dirtied cloth clean, but this time it only made Lisa's cunt bubble with pleasure. After that Elsa sat back down in her chair, waiting to be called on for help if John should need it. And John helped Lisa step out of the chair and stand at the foot of the table.

A tear trickled down Lisa's beautiful face as she realized that she was completely free of ropes and chains and leather. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity she was standing free and unfettered in anyway. She wanted to take John Bates in her arms and kiss him. Then she noticed something else.

The itching had subsided in her pussy. Her cunt cream was no longer bubbling down her legs. Even her cunt was no longer buzzing and wriggling.

Suddenly, there was nothing she wanted more than ropes or chains or leather cutting into her tanned, silky skin. She opened her mouth to plead for bondage, but before a sound could pass her lips John had grabbed the top of her dress with both his hands and ripped it down her body.

The dress was already in tatters, and it tore easily under the yanking John gave it. Lisa stumbled forward on her spike heels, almost fading at the sharp tug on her dress, but she caught herself before she fell. John ripped the dress completely off her, leaving it puddled in a bundle of rags around her feet. Only the spike heels and the slender gold chain that hugged her narrow waist kept her from being completely naked.

The people around the table could see every part of Lisa they were interested in. Her full, brown tits, narrow waist, long legs and perfect ass were all on display for their inspection. Lisa looked like some kind of sleek animal, perhaps a thoroughbred horse.

"Stand right there," John told her trotting away from the table. He returned a moment later with some strips of rubber. "Don't move an inch, you beautiful slut. I'll put you into whatever positions I want you to be in."

Lisa did as John commanded, staying still as he dropped the strips of rubber to the floor and sorted through them. A moment later, he came up with one of the thickest bands.

"Raise your left foot," he ordered, and once she had done that and he had slipped the band around it he barked: "Put down your left foot and raise your right."

John pulled the first band all the way up around Lisa's full, silky thighs. The band of rubber had started as less than six inches around, but the farther he pulled it up Lisa's sleek legs, the farther the band stretched. By the time he was satisfied with its placement, the band was cutting so tightly into Lisa's flesh that her feet were going numb.

The ringlets were just like rubber bands, only much wider. John put the second one around Lisa's knees. It was much smaller than the first, and by the time it hugged her knees together, it was stretched every bit as tight as the first had been. A fourth went around her calves and a fifth around her ankles, and by the time John was finished, Lisa couldn't move her legs apart at all.

"Hold your arms straight down at your sides," John said, picking up the rest of the giant rubber bands.

Lisa did as he ordered, quivering in anticipation of what was coming next.

By the time John was finished, bands of rubber encircled Lisa's hips and tits and mouth. The band that circled her hips covered both her cunt and ass, and he tied her hands trapped at her sides. The band that crushed her tits to her body also flipped her elbows.

John pulled Lisa's blonde hair back and tied jutes knot that was trapped inside the rubber. Her hair was pulled so tightly behind her that Lisa's head was pulled back as far as it would go. She was staring at the ceiling when John fixed the final band of rubber over her mouth. That band had a rubber cock molded into the inside, and when John let the rubber slap around her head the cock flicked fully between Lisa's parted lips.

"Good job," Otis said, and a couple of the others applauded John's handiwork. "But what the fuck are you going to do with her now? You've covered up all the good parts."

"Hop," John said. He walked away from Lisa, pulled his chair out away from the table and sat down in it. "Hop your way over to me."

She was still in her high heels. John hadn't let her take those off. Her legs were bound together and her arms were trapped at her sides. It had been hard for her to balance herself on the high heels when she had been walking. She knew that she would never make it all the way to John, hopping, without falling down. What made her cry was that he knew it too, and so did everyone else in the room.

On the first hop, she wavered to the left. She could feel the spike on her left shoe start to slide across the carpet, threatening to topple her over, and she threw all her weight to her right. Everyone clapped, but Lisa's heart thundered in her heaving chest. The thought occurred to her that if she did fall, she wouldn't be able to break her impact at all. Her arms were trapped as firmly as her legs.

She hopped again, and this time it was her right shoe that buckled. A terrible bolt of pain shot up her when the rubber snapped her right leg, and it didn't matter how much she tried to balance herself on her left. She fell right on her face, barely missing the edge of the table with her head, and her cheek and tits ached with the impact.

"Crawl then, whore!" John barked. His fly was open and his cock was hanging out, half hard, fat and stubby. It was a pale-white cock, as repulsive as a fat white worm. "Squirm on the floor, slut, but get your worthless ass over here!"

Crawling was even harder than hopping, but at least it wasn't as dangerous. As she squirmed past Tabitha, the big woman emptied half a bottle of wine over her sensuously writhing young body. Lisa had to move almost entirely by pushing herself along with her toes and wriggling her stomach against the carpet. By the time she had gone five feet, her toes were cramping badly. It seemed to take her forever to reach Reverend Bates. By the time she did, every muscle in her body was howling in outrage. Lisa was so grateful to have managed the trip that she rubbed her face all over John's shiny black shoes. She thought despondently that she was the trained bitch dog they called her. Here she was, groveling at the feet of one of her master's friends.