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“That's just to celebrate seeing you after a week!” Jack quickly exclaimed, noticing Nora's expression of pleasure. Jack went to the table and picked up the bottle, holding it out to her. “What do you say? Do you have time?”

“Go ahead, fill my glass, they'll wait for me!” Nora replied, slipping her coat off. She was really happy to be with Jack again and she knew that the evening was going to be just as she liked it. She began undressing as Jack uncorked the bottle and poured out the Cold Duck into the glasses and was stripped all the way down to her bra and panties by the time Jack had handed her a glass.

“What shall we drink to?” Jack questioned, holding his drink up in the air.

“Let's drink to you and me,” Nora said quickly and they both clinked their glasses and downed large swallows. Nora started to set her drink down when Jack stopped her.

“Hold it, Nora! We should also drink to Andrew Hewitt for providing us with the privacy we need for our little tete a tetes.” Jack was smiling broadly as he drank down the remaining liquid in his glass.

Nora drained off the booze in her glass, then she turned around for Jack to unfasten her bra. “I've always wondered why the Hewitts never got involved in the swap gatherings? Do you know why, Jack?” Nora asked curiously.

“That young wife of his keeps him pretty busy, I guess,” Jack replied while removing her bra. He slid his hands around her ribs and grasped her full, rounded titties as she let the bra fall to the floor. “Just as well for him,” Jack continued casually. “He's working for Brett Stover, Senior you know. That's why he was able to buy this new spread out here in Northport. Mr. Hewitt is the new CPA for Stover Enterprises.”

Nora wasn't quite sure she had heard what Jack had said, as her thoughts were preoccupied with his fondling of her large boobies. She turned around to face him.

“Did you say that your boss is working now for Stover, the First?” she asked seriously.

Jack had already started to remove her panties, and he let them fall down around her ankles before answering her. He was always anxious to see the smooth-skinned texture of her shapely body, and he never could get over how young her body appeared. He thought she looked more like I thirty than her actual forty-nine years.

“That's the truth,” Jack finally said, but he wanted to get off of that subject and down to the business at hand. He started removing his own clothing after motioning for Nora to refill their glasses. “Fact is, Mr. Hewitt is over visiting with old man Stover right now,” Jack said to end the conversation.

Nora forced her attention to the pouring of the drinks.

She had to satisfy her natural curiosity about Brett Stover's business activities, but then she forgot completely about it since her cunt wanted Jack's big prick in the worse way.

Then she had to go back and serve at the party. As if those youngsters could fool her. Their “parties” were only a polite way of describing the mate-swapping group that Brett, Jr. and Victoria belonged to. On those evenings, which seemed to Nora to be occurring more and more frequently, she always had to work. Although on those evenings she usually was only required to answer the door and serve canapes, she didn't like the work involved in getting the place ready for the group. She was glad she didn't have to hang around the living room after things got going as she didn't like being an observer of something she'd just as soon participate in. At least she would like to get involved in the sexual activities. The occasions when Brett, Jr. and Victoria would provide special entertainment turned her stomach. She had felt sick when Brett had used the wife of one of his employees to entertain the group, to strip and let all of the men fuck her. Nora was sure that the young man's wife would never have allowed Brett to touch her if he hadn't been her husband's employer. To Nora that was forcing people into something they wouldn't normally do and therefore it was wrong. Nora had become so upset seeing the man carrying his hysterical wife out of the house that evening, she had nearly quit working for Brett, Jr.

But now she forgot about the wild orgies Brett and Victoria carried out in their home. She was going to have a little orgy of her own, and Jack was coming for her, his prick, huge, beautiful and beckoning.


Margaret Stover, stunningly beautiful, sat sipping her martini. She hadn't really wanted to stay but Brett had insisted and if she was to get that diamond necklace, she'd better do as he said.

Now she looked at the young Andrew Hewitt, his dark hair wavy and thick, his grey eyes, large and smiling, serious now as he went over the business details with Brett. Andrew had come over without his wife, Anita, so to all outward appearances, he seemed seriously involved in company problems with Brett. Margaret had been through these conversations with many of Brett's employees before now and this one was just as boring as the last one.

Once Margaret was sure that no financial disaster was about to occur, for she could imagine no other reason for his business to enter their home life, Margaret would only listen for the opportunity to break into the conversation so she could excuse herself and leave the room. This evening, Andrew and Brett were so engrossed in the latest acquisition of Stover Enterprises that Margaret gulped down the remainder of her drink and stood up from the chair. Without saying a word, she turned to quietly leave the room, but her movement stopped the discussion long enough for Andrew to rise out of his chair.

“Please, don't bother,” Margaret said quickly. “You must excuse me, I have a few things to attend to. Don't let me interrupt your discussion. It's been a great pleasure meeting you,” she added nodding toward Andrew Hewitt. He bowed politely to her as she left the room without saying a word.

Margaret closed the door of the den behind her and she walked in an even pace across the hall to the stairway. She moved like a little girl practicing a walk while balancing books on the top of her head but with Margaret, the smooth motion could only be described as exciting and sensuous. Her face always had the appearance of a proud movie star, the quality of being very sure of her self, and that mixed with the slender lines of her voluptuous body made her extremely exciting to look at. Her forty-eight years didn't show on the surface and for that reason she always had a very youthful glow. Her long, jet-black hair was piled on top of her head, and it blended well with her soft features and long, swan-like neck. Margaret's walk suited her as her gracefully sleek body was like that of a high fashion model. Yet she was curvy and soft beneath her Paris clothes.

At the bottom of the stairway, she looked around surreptitiously, then ran up the stairs like a bat out of hell! Moving fast, but quietly on the plush carpeting, she entered the room directly above the den where Brett and Andrew were still talking. Locking the door, she crossed the room to the comer where a thin grating ran along the lower wall. It was part of the air conditioning system that Brett had ordered installed when the house had been remodeled a few years ago. It was also like a public address system for any and all conversations in the room below and Margaret would often go to it after she had left the library to see if anything was being said that she didn't know about.

Margaret wasn't really an eavesdropper by nature, but her curiosity sometimes got the best of her. She had an insatiable desire to know what people talked about and it stemmed from her own unhappiness and loss of dignity. She fully expected to hear nothing except boring business details about Stover acquisitions, but she wanted to hear just what was said.

Margaret turned the chair near the vent so that she could make herself comfortable while listening to the conversation in the den below. She wasn't at all surprised to hear them still talking along the same lines as when she had left. Andrew Hewitt was new to the company and would be expected to try to make a good impression on his new employer. But Margaret knew Brett too well to believe that he only had Andrew over to discuss business that could have been taken care of during the day. She knew that the conversation would change soon and she was ready to wait until something was said about her. She didn't have to wait.