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This is wrong. He’s my professor.

Yes, more. I need more.



“Do you want me to continue?” His deep voice rumbled, making me quiver even more as I leaned against his hard body.

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. His tongue flicked the top of my breast and I gasped.

“Yes!” I moaned.

His lips hungrily devoured mine. Then he reached down, and in one swoop he hitched me up and my legs were immediately around his waist as he placed me on top of the desk. My core throbbed as he pressed himself against me, grinding against the thin covering of my shorts.

Something overcame me at that moment. It was raw, carnal. It was like the animal in me had come to life, and I didn’t even know who I was. All I knew was that I was desperate to feel his skin against mine.

Pushing him back, I ripped his shirt open. Buttons flew, scattering onto the floor. He was magnificent. Every inch of him was pure muscle.

I pressed my lips on his chest, letting my tongue work its way over every single muscled crevice. When I flicked his hardened nipple, he hissed and his hands speared into my hair. I craved every inch of him. He was right. I wanted him just as much as every other woman in his class.

I tugged my shirt off, throwing it aside. Fiery blue eyes drank in my heaving chest before he ducked his head, kissing the tops of my breast. In one swift move, he jerked the cup of my bra down and devoured a nipple, sucking it hard into his hot mouth, his tongue lashing it back and forth.

Moaning, I rolled my head back, drowning in the exquisite mix of pain and pleasure as he bit and sucked my nipples even harder, marking me with his savage kisses.

Throbbing, I tugged at the waistband of his pants desperate for him to fill my aching need. My hand slid down his taut abs down to his hard bulge and moaned at his size.

He growled at my touch, and within seconds my shorts and panties were flying through the air, and his pants dropped to his feet. I was soaking wet, ready for him. His thick length slid against my thigh, teasing my entrance, making me drip with desire.

“Please,” I moaned.

He weaved his strong hands into my hair. Fisting it, he tugged my head back. Blazing eyes held mine as he whispered, “Nicole.”

Then he plunged into me.

Chapter Eight

I gasped and bolted upright, naked and covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Sunlight filtered into the dim room. Clutching the cool sheet against my chest, my heart raced as I looked around the room confused.

Where am I? Why am I naked, and where are my panties?

My eyes adjusted, and I saw my reflection in the familiar floor length mirror.

I was in my bedroom. It was a dream. Thank god!

I stumbled out of bed, my brain still in a fog, and looked for my clothes. I finally found my panties and T-shirt wedged in the corner of the bed between the mattress and sheets. That was weird. I’d never taken off my clothes while I was sleeping before. It must’ve been some dream.

A delicious sensation throbbed between my legs, and then it suddenly hit me what had happened.

No way. No. Freakin’. Way!

I had wet dream.

About Professor Cooper!

Snatching a fresh change of clothes, I marched down the hallway to the bathroom totally and utterly disgusted with myself.

How could Cooper pop into my dreams like that? And of all people, why that arrogant ass? Yes, he was hot, but, still, I wasn’t like the other girls in the class, fawning all over him. I wasn’t attracted to that man at all, and he obviously hated me.

Then why did you dream about him? A small voice in my head whispered.

Shut up!

Great. Now I was arguing myself.

Stepping into the shower, I turned on the knob full blast to the coldest setting and pushed the insanity to the back of my mind. It had to be the damn pills I’d taken last night. They were messing with my head again.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I tilted my head into the stream of water, forcing the remnants of the dream out of my head.

So maybe hate was too strong of a word. After the disastrous first day of class, Cooper was polite, giving me a nod of greeting just like he did with the other students. Though he never looked at me. Over the past few weeks, the man avoided eye contact. But when it came to Gianna, he was a sweet as pie and had no problems ogling her.

Okay that wasn’t fair. Cooper treated her the same as the other students. And the only time he looked at her was when she planted herself in front of him, which she did . . . a lot! He took his time when students asked him questions and one time he almost smiled. But why did he look at everyone except me?

Man, why did he have to be nice? Life would be so much easier if he was actually like the arrogant bastard in my dream.

To make matters worse, he was an excellent teacher. I actually understood the course content. I’d even gotten a “B” on my most recent assignment. Greg was Mr. McPouty because I outscored him by twenty points.

Laughing, I shut off the water. Yeah, I should’ve known it was a dream the moment I’d seen the ninety-nine on Greg’s paper. He wasn’t doing very well in Cooper’s class, and it was driving him bonkers.

I slipped on a clean T-shirt as I thought about the way Cooper stated to eyeball Greg lately. It had happened the day after Greg and I ran into him in the quad. Greg was acting his usual silly self, his arm entwined in mine when Cooper stepped out of the chemistry building. When Greg waved, Cooper had given him a curt nod and stared at Greg’s arm before he swiftly turned away. He didn’t even bother to acknowledge my presence. It was like I was invisible or something.

Pushing the thought of Cooper aside, I padded into the kitchen, my stomach rumbling at the mouthwatering smell of bacon. Rainbow was probably out again on her early morning bike ride. As much as I tried, I just couldn’t do the vegetarian thing. And driving to campus passing at least half a dozen barbecue joints didn’t help either. The smell of barbecue stayed with me, and I was hungry all the time. Yeah, I caved.

Greg didn’t even last a day. After the Tofurky hotdog incident, he’d hauled me to the grocery store, tossing every single meat known to man into the cart, mumbling, “I didn’t kick evolution’s ass just to eat leaves and twigs.”

Rainbow was sweet and didn’t complain or make us feel bad about it. Though the last time Greg had cooked bacon she’d gagged at the smell and turned green.

“You see this. I know you can see it,” Greg said as he stood in front of the stove, waving an egg at the kitchen window.

Penny sat on the windowsill. Her beady eyes narrowed and head tilted, watching him.

“Yeah, who’s the one crying now?” Cackling, he cracked the egg against the pan.

“What on Earth are you doing, Greg?” I asked.

“Showing Penny who’s boss.”

Greg’s baby blues locked with Penny’s black eyes in a showdown.

“You’re torturing a poor chicken. You realize that, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just minding my own business and making breakfast.” He cracked a second egg. It sizzled when it hit the pan. “And if it puts Penny in her place in the process, well, good for me.”

“You can be so crazy sometimes.” I poured a glass of juice and took a sip.

“Yeah, but you love me for it.” He plopped a plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of me. “Besides, I’m the only one who’s willing to put up with your moaning and groaning.”

I coughed, spitting juice everywhere.


“I’m all for self love, but can you keep the moaning down? Some of us need our beauty sleep.” He stabbed a fork into his eggs. Looking at Penny with an evil grin, he waved a forkful before sticking it into his mouth and smacking his lips.