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“Excuse me?” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“Though Texas State is not MIT, you have the intellect to go a long way if you focus on your studies and not frivolous social activities.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He couldn’t be talking about Travis, right? I was just imagining things, right? What professor does that? First he ignored me; then he was suddenly all over my business. The man turned hot and cold so fast, he was giving me whip lash.

Cooper ducked his head as he leaned closer to me. I could smell the light scent of his cologne. His incredibly blue eyes glittered as he spoke. “If you had invested more of your time on your studies and less of it flittering from one boy to another, you could have made a better score. This is an institution of higher education, not a party zone.”

Stiffening, I willed my right hand to stay where it was and not go flying through the air to connect to his annoyingly handsome face.

Who was he to tell me who to hang out with? Pot calling the kettle black much? I wanted to ask him about Gianna.

“First of all, my social life is none of your business. And for your information, I’m not like what you said. I’m not even dating anyone. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“No, it’s not my business.” His face fell for a moment and a look of longing flashed across his eyes before he schooled his face. “But it is my job to watch over the welfare of my students and to identify potential.”

There. He’d said it again! He thought I was smart. I softened for a moment before he whacked me again with his words.

“Take my advice and stay away from Travis. He’s not for you.”

“You can’t order me around. You’re not my father.”

His face twisted as if I’d stabbed him. I blinked and the mask was back again, and I wondered if I’d imagined it.

“And I can date whoever I want,” I added.

“I’m only suggesting this for your benefit. If you’ll excuse me, I have other students who require my attention.”

Dumbfounded, I watched him head back to the table and talk with a group of students waiting for him.

“Bad news?” Travis asked when I went back to him.

“No, just got my midterm back.”

Glancing at the grade, he grinned. “Not bad.”

“I’m in the mood to celebrate. What time do you want to pick me up on Saturday?” My voice was so loud it echoed through the auditorium. Students whispered as they gazed at me and Travis. Everyone heard.

As we walked past Cooper, I couldn’t help but smile when his back stiffened. He’d heard too.

Yeah, take that, Professor Nosy.

As Travis and I exited the classroom, he placed a hand on the small of my back. I smiled up at him as he talked excitedly about his plans for Saturday night. I tried to focus on what he was saying, but all I could think about was the gutted expression on Cooper’s face and how he stood alone with his hand gripping the lectern, his eyes following us as we walked out.

Chapter Twelve

I couldn’t believe I’d told Travis I’d go out with him on Saturday. And even worse, I couldn’t believe I’d told Lou I’d lead off open mic night by playing guitar.

Lou hadn’t told me he’d advertise the event in the campus newspaper.

With my photo.

On a full page!

I should’ve known when Greg left the house early this morning giggling that something was up. He had been hanging out with Travis a lot lately, supposedly hitting the gym and working out. So I didn’t think anything of it until I sat at the kitchen table and saw my face staring out at me from the newspaper.

That rat was going to get it. He was the only person who had a photo of me playing guitar.

I scanned the crowded coffee shop. I thought I’d be playing for Rainbow and Greg and maybe a few other people since Thursday nights were usually slow. Almost every table was filled.

I groaned, conking my head on the counter. Maybe if I faked sick now, I could get out of this and going out with Travis. It would be win-win.

“Nervous, hon?”

I gazed up. Rainbow stood on the other side of the counter. She looked so pretty and normal wearing an emerald green blouse and dark slacks. Her red hair spiraled down her shoulders in well-behaved curls. She even had a tint of color on her lips.

“A little.”

“You’ll do fine. Greg tells me you play very well. He’s so excited to hear you play again. He says it’s been a while and that it makes you smile.”

I sighed. It was hard staying mad at him. I’d been so busy with classes, dealing with the Cooper, and the freaky-deaky daydreams that I hadn’t had time to play.

“Rainbow Skye! Don’t tell me you’ve actually stepped out the house without Meadow.” Lou rushed to Rainbow and gave her hug. It was hard to imagine the wild escapes that Rainbow alluded to when they were at Woodstock. He was a head shorter than she was, even with her in flats.

“Meadow’s still in Tibet,” she sighed. “I wish she could be here. She’d love it. Where’s Greg? Isn’t he bringing your guitar?”

“Oh, that’s right.” Lou snapped his fingers. “I forgot to tell you, Nina.”


“Right, Nicole.” I locked eyes with Rainbow. She had an amused expression on her face. “Greg called an hour ago to say he was running a little late. Something about pink tea. Or maybe it was a pink tree.”

Lou scratched his head.

At that moment, Greg dashed into the shop with Travis close behind him. His face was flushed. They were both panting as if they’d been running.

“Pink teacups,” Greg gasped.

“You’re late,” I said. “And you sound crazy.”

“Pink teacups.” He held his hand up, shaking his head. “There are . . . pink teacups . . . in the mall . . . parking lot.”

“What are you talking about? And here,” I tossed each of them a bottled water, “you look like you’re about to pass out.”

“Thanks.” Travis flashed a smile. I narrowed my eyes, looking from him to Greg. I didn’t know why, but I had a funny feeling that they were up to something.

“Pink teacups. You know. The type that spin you around,” Greg said, sipping his water. “Oh, here’s your guitar. This thing gets heavy after running a few blocks.”

“My car broke down at the mall,” Travis explained. “We were on our way here when Greg saw the carnival. He wouldn’t stop talking about it until I stopped the car to check it out.”

“A carnival, Nicole.” Greg’s eyes lit up. “We have to go. Tomorrow. Call it a birthday celebration. They even have the zero gravity ride. You like that one.”

“You get sick on the teacups.” I opened the guitar case and made sure it was okay. Who knew what he banged it against on his way over here.

“Aw, come on. It’ll be fun.”

“What about you?” I asked Travis.

“Tomorrow’s Friday.”

“Yeah? So?” Why was he looking at me funny?

He glanced at Greg, giving him a is-this-girl-serious look.

“Quarterback here. Saturday early afternoon game?”

“And?” I still didn’t get it.

“The man needs to save his energy for the game, woman.” Greg rolled his eyes.

“And for our Saturday night date.” Travis winked.

Ugh, men.

“Please, Nicole.” Greg gave me his sad-puppy-dog eyes.

I hated when he did that.

“It’ll be fun. Besides, you owe me.”

“I owe you?”

“Yeah, you and Travis are going to Club Vortex without me.” He pouted.

My eyes darted to Travis, who was suddenly fascinated with the wrapper on his bottled water.

Yeah, something was definitely up.

“You can come with us. He won’t mind. Right, Travis?”