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What was her problem? She was acting like we were in competition or something. It wasn’t like Cooper liked me. If anything, he’d probably be relieved if I dropped out of the class.

Oh, crap! That was it. He was kicking me out of class.

“And I love this color on you.” Gianna’s manicured fingers slid seductively over his black pinstripe shirt.

I zoomed in on her hand. From out of nowhere, I had the urge to rip her arm off. I stiffened in surprised by my intense and totally irrational reaction. What did I care if she wanted to boink Cooper? It wasn’t any of my business.

“I have some questions about today’s lecture.” Her hand slowly drifted down his arm before wrapping it around her book. Stroking the text, she continued. “Maybe I can come by your office again?”

He studied her for a moment. “I’m not available today. Send me an email and we can schedule a time to meet next week. Ms. Ashford.”

He turned to me, holding out his hand, directing me to the back door of the auditorium.

Biting my lip, I held back a smug smile. Man, oh man. The shocked expression on her face was so photo worthy. If only I could whip out my cellphone to take a picture.

As he guided me down the hall, I felt a light pressure on the small of my back. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach at his touch.

An image flashed. I groaned. The freaky-deaky daydreams were happening again. Permed hair and mullets, bright neon-colored leggings, and headbands flashed through my mind.

I clenched my fists, straining to keep the strange visions out of my head as I stepped into his office. I tiptoed around the piles of books and knee-high stacks of papers on the floor. The walls were lined with shelves of more books and dozens of awards. A large desk littered with papers and a computer sat against a large window.

I placed myself in front of his desk, the only clutter-free spot in the room. I caught a glimpse of a stack of graded papers marked with so much red you’d think the paper was bleeding. I’d never seen so many thirties and forties.

I heard a familiar laugh and glanced out the window. Greg and Travis were walking across the quad. Travis was checking out a group of girls. Greg didn’t seem to care; he just kept on talking.

I sighed. When Greg had a man crush, nothing could convince him that the guy he’d set his sights on didn’t play for his team. He would just have to find out the hard way later, and I’d be there to pick up the pieces like always. It was hard sometimes. He deserved to find someone who loved him for the sweet, quirky guy he was, even if he was annoying some times.

I looked down at the desk again and saw his name scribbled on one of the papers. Next to it was a ninety-nine.

I rolled my eyes. He was going to do his happy dance and flaunt that grade the entire semester.

The door slammed shut and I froze.

Even with my back to him, Professor Cooper’s presence overwhelmed me. I could feel his eyes boring into my back. I took a shaky breath trying to calm myself. I moaned when I smelled a seductive scent of leather and musk. That was so not helping.

I licked my dry lips nervously. I might as well cut to the chase and speak first before I lost my courage to tell him off. Keeping my eyes glued to the window, I said, “I know why you called me in here.”

Waiting for his response, my heart thrummed against my chest so hard I swore he could hear it in the silent room.

Minutes passed. Nothing. I shifted uncomfortably. Why wasn’t he saying anything?

Taking a bracing breath, I turned to face him.

My breath hitched at the expression on his face. It was like he was another person. The stern expression he had in class was gone. His eyes were soft pools of blue that I could drown myself in forever. They were so beautiful. It was like seeing sunshine for the first time.

I stepped forward, feeling that pull to him again. His lips parted as he sucked in a breath. Then he stiffened and shrunk back as I closed in the space between us.

His eyes hardened, warning me to keep my distance. Crossing his arms across his chest, he said, “Are you saying you can read my mind, Ms. Ashford, a mind that has garnered millions in NIH grant funding? Or maybe after one psychology course you now consider yourself expert in the human psyche?”

Yeah, that was the Cooper I was used to. A sexy arrogant ass who liked to torture me, but was nice to students like Gianna, who would throw her panties at him in class if she thought she could get away with it.

“How do you know I’m taking psychology?”

He blinked, looking like he’d gotten his hand caught in the cookie jar. “Just an assumption. Most freshman take that course for an easy ‘A.’ Though I’m puzzled why you’re taking my course.”

“You don’t think I have what it takes to pass chemistry?”

“Not according to your last assignment grade.”

“I’m not going to quit.” I jerked my chin up, ready for a fight.

“I’m not asking you to drop the class. Although it would be in your best interest.”

“Why, because you’re going to fail me?”

“No, Ms. Ashford. Because I won’t fall for your plan to ace the course.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I took another step forward, ready to take him on. I was already about to get kicked out. I had nothing to lose.

He sucked in a breath and gritted his teeth. “Stop that.”

My eyes widened at his reaction. “Stop what? I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

His shoulders tensed as his eyes roamed over my body. “You’re not the first student to try to seduce a professor for a better grade.”

Was the man insane? I looked down at what I was wearing. It wasn’t even remotely sexy. I had on a light blue tank top with one of Greg’s oxford shirts thrown over it and a pair of knee length shorts.

Yeah, Birkenstock sandals just screamed, “Do me!”

“I would never do that,” I snapped. “I admit I’m struggling a bit with the class, and it’d be nice to actually get some help, but I’d never do what you’re insinuating.”

“Oh really, Ms. Ashford.” He took a step forward. I gulped at how big he was. His shoulders were so broad. “I suppose you accidentally managed to run into me and press your body against mine suggestively earlier this semester.”

“That was an accident. Besides, I didn’t even know you were my professor.”

“I’m sure. And I’m also sure it was an accident that you watch me with those wide eyes of yours, playing with your hair, crossing and uncrossing your bare legs in class.”

He was pissing me off. He made me sound like I was Gianna. I placed my hands on my hips. “You’re mixing me up with someone else. You may have other girls in the class panting after you, but I’m not one of them.”

In three quick strides he jerked me to him, and I slammed into his muscled chest. I sucked in a breath as lightning surged through me, awakening parts of me that had been sleeping for a long time. He lowered his head, stopping right before his lips touched mine. Simmering eyes dropped to my mouth. “This is what you want, isn’t it, Ms. Ashford.”



He smirked. “You’re playing with fire, little girl.”

“I told you I wasn’t—”

Savage lips attacked mine, and my body ignited into fire. My hands flew up, gliding over his rock-hard biceps and around his neck. I clutch him closer, deepening the kiss.

His stubble rubbed against my tender skin as his tongue devoured my mouth. Searing lips traveled down my throat. His rough chin grazed the tops of my breast. I moaned, arching my hips into his lower body.

My mind warred back and forth with what was happening, how turned on I was, and how much I wanted him to take me right there in his office, on his desk.

I shouldn’t be doing this.

Oh god yes, don’t stop.