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Superwoman indeed.

And one who had “big plans” tonight.

After tucking away the card, she headed in the direction of the elevator.

Where was she going? Most likely to the bar. Where there were most likely lots of firemen. Who would know something hot when they saw it.

Suddenly he didn’t feel the least bit tired. No, in fact, he was suddenly in the mood for a beer. How lucky that the resort had a first-class bar.


Maddie sat on a bar stool and took a sip of her wine and tried not to feel conspicuous. Engaging in a one-night stand with a hot, handsome fireman sounded great in theory, but now that the moment had arrived to actually set her plan in motion, she wasn’t so sure. She could almost hear Emma making chicken noises, but she’d never actually ventured into a bar alone. Evenings at clubs were either a date or an outing with girlfriends.

The Casa di Lago’s bar was crowded with both men and women, but a quick glance made it clear that the women outnumbered the men by about two to one. Clearly, she wasn’t the only female who knew the resort was crawling with firemen this weekend. The air buzzed with laughter, conversation, clinking glasses, and muted jazz.

A more leisurely perusal of the crowd confirmed that there were indeed some very attractive men in the room. All she had to do now was pick out one she liked and hope the feeling was mutual. No problem. She could do this.

“Hi,” said a male voice next to her. “May I buy you a drink?”

She turned. A tall, muscular, good-looking man with light brown hair and an attractive crooked smile regarded her through eyes that expressed unmistakable interest.

“I already have one,” she said, so quickly the words ran together. She grabbed for her wine. “But thanks anyway.” She buried her nose in her wineglass.

“Uh, sure. Have a nice evening.”

He faded away into the crowd, and Maddie blew out a long breath. Okay, that didn’t go particularly well, but hey, she was nervous. Next time she’d do better.

Next time arrived several minutes later in the form of another handsome, muscular man. Jeez. What did they feed these firemen that they were all so attractive? No wonder so many of them posed for calendars.

“Hi,” he said, flashing her a flirtatious smile. “I’m Dave.”

Something akin to panic fluttered in Maddie’s chest. “Hi, Dave. Nice to meet you, but I’m waiting for someone.”

He flashed her another smile. “Oh, well. Take care.” He melted away and Maddie mentally thunked herself on the forehead. What was wrong with her? Both of those men were handsome and personable. Why hadn’t she given either of them a chance?

Because even though you’re lonely and horny, one-night stands are not your style, her inner voice informed her.

Well, hell. Much as she wished it were otherwise, she simply didn’t have Emma’s daring or extroverted personality. And rather than turning her on, the thought of sex with a stranger turned her into a nervous basket case. As good-looking as Dave and the other man had been, neither of them had inspired the slightest sexual tingle.

“Time to abandon this sinking ship,” she muttered to herself, reaching for her wine. One last sip and she was outta here. Just then her gaze locked with that of a tall, good-looking blond guy. He stood across the room, at a small round table with a quartet of equally attractive men, all of whom held beer bottles. The blond man smiled at her, showing off perfect teeth. He really was ridiculously handsome, but for reasons she couldn’t fathom, just like the others before him, he didn’t light a spark in her.

Not wanting to appear rude, she offered him a return smile, yet immediately regretted it when he picked up his beer and looked as if he were about to leave his group to make his way toward her. But then his gaze shifted to a point over her shoulder. He hesitated, then shot her what seemed like an apologetic look and returned his attention to his friends.

What the heck? Before Maddie could figure out what had just happened, someone squeezed in next to her. Then a familiar voice said, “Bet your date isn’t going to appreciate you smiling at that blond dude.”

Maddie turned and stared at Jack. Jack, who’d buttoned up his shirt and pants-darn it-and whose presence annoyingly made her heart perform some weird swooping maneuver. No longer nervous and now concentrating on her annoyance, she treated him to a glare meant to reduce him to ashes. Instead of taking the hint, he calmly ordered a beer from the bartender then turned to her and asked, “So where is your date?”

Maddie narrowed her eyes. Was it possible he hadn’t read Emma’s note? She highly doubted it. “Not that it’s any of your business, but that ‘blond dude’ might have been my date if you hadn’t happened along. But since you opened my suitcase, I’m sure you already knew that.”

For several seconds his gaze seemed to burn into hers. Then he said, “Okay, I know. I didn’t mean to read the note, but in my own defense, it was just there. Right on top.”

Well, at least he’d admitted it. So now she was officially mortified, which heartily irked her. She had no reason to be embarrassed.

He took a quick glance around. “Based on the number of men in this bar you won’t have any trouble.” His gaze flicked over her dress. “Especially in that dress.”

She narrowed her eyes. “What’s wrong with my dress?”

“Not a thing. You look… um, swell.”

Maddie nearly choked on the laugh that bubbled into her throat. “Gee, thanks. Your shocked tone that I might look um, swell lends that compliment just an extra bit of flash. Now, if you don’t mind moving along, your hulking presence is kinda cramping my style.”

Clearly the man was either deaf or immune to being asked to scram, because he leaned against the bar and continued to study her, as if she were a puzzle he was trying to solve. “Now at least I understand the lingerie.”

Heat suffused Maddie’s face, which only served to irritate her further. “My lingerie is none of your business.” She made a great show of looking around. “So where is your date? Surely she’s missing you.”

“What makes you think I have a date?”

“The room service cart with two glasses and enough covered dishes to feed an army was a good clue.”

“Sorry, Sherlock, but all the food was for me. Cheeseburger, chili fries, cole slaw, and a frosted brownie.” He rubbed his hand over his flat stomach. “Delicious.”

“Sounds bad for the arteries.” Not to mention the hips.

“Yeah.” He flashed a smile. “But good for the soul.”

Okay, why did this man’s smile make her pulse misbehave in a way the handsome blond guy’s hadn’t? From a purely technical standpoint, the blond guy was actually more handsome than Jack. But for some inexplicable reason, Jack was the one who had her hormones in an uproar. Probably because of that accidental chest peek she’d gotten. No doubt the blond guy’s chest and abs were just as nice.

We don’t care, yelled her hormones. We like Jack.

Oh, boy. This was not good.

Plus, we already know Jack, her hormones urged. Better to take on the devil you know.

“Shut up,” she muttered.

Jack raised his brows. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Sorry. I wasn’t talking to you.”

“Oh? Who were you talking to?”