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I hope that those who have picked up this copy of Yukikaze will continue on and read its sequel, Good Luck, Yukikaze. It epitomizes the whole history of the evolution of Kambayashi’s work. (I can’t call it “growth,” because it’s evolution for the purpose of survival.) From that perspective, you can truly call Yukikaze Chōhei Kambayashi’s life’s work.

In bringing the JAM threat to her readers’ attention, journalist Lynn Jackson says this: “The digital world seems to run counter to the very essence of our humanity. Our language as well. Our civilization itself. So what, exactly, are we doing turning over more and more of our existence to computers?” It’s true that “our civilization” may run counter to human nature. So is the answer to go back to nature? I have a feeling that’s what the JAM would want. Placing human beings on this grinding battlefield that dehumanizes them, repeating “People are necessary in battle” over and over is what allows us humans to remain human in the face of the JAM. Your weapons are the words and machines you couldn’t otherwise comprehend. When you tire of the battle, you would do well to listen to the words of a soldier from Good Luck, Yukikaze: “It’s not a question of what you should do, but rather what you want to do. That’s the answer.”

The truth is, Yukikaze is a declaration of war against the world, made by Chōhei Kambayashi and by you, the reader, as human beings. Engage!



ACS armament control system

ADAG Aerospace Defense Air Group

AAM air-to-air missile

ADC Aerospace Defense Corps

ACLS automatic carrier landing system

A/G-AS anti-ground attack system

AGM air-to-ground missile

AIM air intercept missile

ALS automatic landing system

AWACS airborne early warning and control system

BIT built-in test

CAP combat air patrol

CAS calibrated air speed

CDIP continuously displayed impact point

CIC combat information control

DLC direct lift control

ECM electronic countermeasures

ECCM electronic countercountermeasures

ECS environmental control system

EDF Earth Defense Force

EMI electromagnetic interference

EMP electromagnetic pulse

EWO electronic warfare officer

FAB Faery Air Base

FAF Faery Air Force

FCC fire control computer

FCR fire control radar

FCS fire control system

GHQ General Headquarters

GLOC G-induced loss of consciousness

GTGM ground-to-ground missiles

HAAM high-velocity air-to-air missile

HUD head-up display

HVM high-velocity missile

IFF Identification, Friend or Foe

JFS jet fuel starter

KIA killed in action

MAX maximum power

MFD multi-function display

MIL military power

MTI moving target indicator

RPM revolutions per minute

RPV remotely piloted vehicle

RTB return to base

RWR radar warning receiver

SAF Special Air Force

SAM surface-to-air missile

SOP standard operating procedure

SSL SAF Super Link

TAB tactical air base

TAF Tactical Air Force

TAISP tactical automated information sensor pod

TARPS tactical airborne reconnaissance pod system

TCG Tactical Combat Group

TCU tactical control unit

TD target designator

TDB tactical data bank

TDG Technology Development Center

UNEDO United Nations Earth Defense Organization

About the Author

Chōhei Kambayashi was born in 1953. In 1979 he won the 5th Hayakawa SF Contest with his debut work, the short story collection Kitsune to Odore (Dance with a Fox), and followed that with his first novel, Anata no Tamashii ni Yasuragiare (May Peace Be on Your Soul). His distinctive style and approach, and his thematic focus on the power of language and humanity’s relationship with machines quickly made him a fan favorite. The author of over twenty novels and ten short story collections, he has won the prestigious Seiun Award seven times. In 1999 he won the 16th Japan SF Award for Kototsubo (The Word Vessel). Also in 1999, Good Luck, Yukikaze, the first sequel to Yukikaze, was published, followed by Unbroken Arrow in 2009.




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