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having more than a single child. The soil has long been washed away by the Yellow River and other such erosion, the population overburdening the countryside for millennia. Thus, it is assumed that this country, during a time of

starvation and increasing crop shortages, would muster forth and invade other countries. Likewise, oil has been known

for several hundred years as a fuel, a ready fuel. The birthplace of several religions in conflict - Christianity and Islam

- are in the Middle East, and these have been known for centuries to be at each other's throats. The Crusades, for

instance, pitted Islam against Christianity, and this has been known for centuries. Add to this the prophecy of the Antichrist, which is logical given the polarization that occurs going into a Transformation period such as the Earth is in.

Prophets therefore take all these matters into their heads, stir the soup, and prophesy. This does not mean that this will all come about as predicted. Starvation does not create invasion, it creates lethargy. China has also been successful in keeping its population in check, and in breaking into the world markets. Islam is hardly wanting to engage Christianity in battle, despite the intent of terrorist groups emerging from the oppressed. Thus, as we have predicted, the likely outcome is not a full battle in Iraq, and most certainly not an outbound invasion by China into other countries.

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ZetaTalk: White Buffalo

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ZetaTalk: White Buffalo

Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

American Indian legends are deeply appealing to most humans, who sense the wisdom of the ages behind the

symbolism. The prophecy of the White Buffalo seems specific, however, and where such calves have been born going

into the millennium have set many to wondering. Is this simply coincidence, or does it have meaning? It does indeed

have meaning, a prophecy based on what history taught the plains Indians, and thus the White Buffaloes are yet

another harbinger of the coming pole shift. Albinos occur naturally in all life forms, some with more rarity than others.

What causes an albino to emerge is assumed to be a genetic quirk, where the normal production of color compounds is

suppressed. This is the effect but not the cause, else why would life in dark caverns or the depths of the ocean be pale, without color.

If color were a genetic quirk, then why the almost total absence of color in creatures living in darkness? Coloration is influenced by radiation, just as tanning takes place upon exposure to sunlight. What is little understood is that this phenomena has two switches, one increasing coloration under certain radiation frequencies, but another reducing coloration under a different set of radiation frequencies. The core of the Earth, emitting in greater bursts the radiation her caverns and deep water creatures are bathed in, is confusing her surface creatures. Thus, the White Buffalo,

heeding the signals from the restless Earth, are heralding the approaching pole shift.

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ZetaTalk: Bible's Revelations

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ZetaTalk: Revelations

Note: written during the Aug 24, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

The Bible, when written, as we have stated, had a specific audience of those in the region, as Jesus was just one of

many Star Children visiting Earth with the intent of passing on a message of love-thy-neighbor-as-thyself, and the

spread of Christianity not anticipated anymore than the spread of the Koran almost worldwide. Thus, those who

interpreted his words, or put their personal visions into words, were in this tradition, speaking to the people of the area. Revelations describes, often in symbolic language, the pole shift coming next year, by explaining what those in the regions would experience - hail, earthquakes, exploding volcanoes that darken the sky with ash, fire storms from

air passing over the volcanoes, and being on the Long Day side of the Earth, a fire dragon in the sky; the heat of the Long Day, an unending beating of the summer sun on an area near the Equator; the heat of hot earth as many fault

lines adjust, some by subducting under each other or by allowing lava to flow closer to the surface; frantic insects of the desert, not waiting for night to creep about but running in panic over people not used to this experience. In reading the words of Revelations, those words that apply to the Earth changes without doubt, one can see what folklore and

ourselves are explaining will occur.

So what of the Fatima prophecy of 3 days of utter darkness, which has become a virtual expectation of the faithful.

The Fatima revelations are much under the thumb of the Pope, who is scarcely telling his flock the truth. The current

Pope, and his entourage, have announced that the Fatima secrets withheld were about a Pope's assassination, hardly

something to keep secret! Does anyone believe this, when he has purchased, with the funds of the faithful, viewing

time in Arizona to watch the approach of Planet X? So why would a statement, such as 3 days of darkness, even be made? Because it is a hallmark statement, something that could not be, and would not be, confused with any

occurrence leading up to the pole shift. In short, a catastrophic lie, to mislead, to keep the flock quiescent, to keep them at home, or praying in the churches, to leave the Pope free to travel with his entourage to wherever he may chose, as it can be assumed that that the time is not near. Thus, we are saying that this was not what those at Fatima received, in any truthful vision, but the truth is being altered by the Pope. Those who know otherwise are either dead, or not

expected to speak out.

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ZetaTalk: Etheric Grid

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ZetaTalk: Etheric Grid

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

The etheric grid system does not exist. There is much ballyhoo about this nebulous and unprovable etheric grid system, however. As with all things that cannot be grasped or pointed to, discussions proceed in various directions. In all

fairness, it must be pointed out that many things scientists discuss cannot be grasped or pointed to, yet their existence is firmly believed. Sub-atomic particles is one such instance. But where does information about the etheric grid system come from? Is this a universal belief, such that science can point to the widespread collective awareness, at a

minimum? There is little discussion about such a grid system. Is there some measure, however slight, that astronomers

can point to? Those putting forth the etheric grid system theory have never attempted to connect with measurable