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Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Cooperation among peoples is greatly enhanced by language, though this is not the only vehicle for communication

possible. The statement that a picture is worth a thousand words can scarcely be argued. Nevertheless, humans who do

not speak the same language essentially do not associate with each other, they avoid each other and segregation results.

Nevertheless there are common threads in all languages, based on words that mock natural sounds and developmental

associations the child makes. Early races of man, developing in isolation from each other, did not develop common

languages, and this situation persists today. In fact, isolation creates different languages that started from the same base. They grow apart.

The legend of the Tower of Babel reflects this common occurrence, but the legend is not altogether fancy. Deliberate

separation occurred in mankind's recent past, among groups that were commandeered into forced labor by the

hominoid visitors from the 12th Planet. These slave-masters were constantly on the alert to prevent their slaves from

gaining their technological advantages. The visitors constructed towers, silos in fact, to surround the missiles they used to shuttle between Earth and their home planet when it made a periodic appearance. When groups of their slave-laborers were found snooping and sharing information with each other, they were separated, forcibly. What remained

of the story was the tower, the clustering of man, and the resulting separation due to language barriers. They did not separate because of a language barrier, the barrier developed because of separation.

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ZetaTalk: Coral Obelisk

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ZetaTalk: Coral Obelisk

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Many artisans choose their material more for its uniqueness than suitability, the better to gain notoriety. Wrapping an island in colorful plastic or floating colorful balloons is more a media event than art, but if done by one who professes to be an artist, qualifies, it seems. An artisan who fears being overlooked might choose his medium more for its

likelihood of attracting attention than any other reason.

Thus it was with a poor immigrant who had more talent than money, being without sponsors in a new land, and in fact

being without funds to even buy materials. He turned to what nature provided, in more than one way, as his choice of

living coral was both inexpensive, being free, and quite unique. Being at home in the water, this artisan used various techniques to shape the coral, which grows slowly and is alive only on the outer surface. In most cases transplanting

was done, skillfully cutting and fitting the pieces which were never removed from the sea water the living coral need

in order to live. Scars heal over time, giving the appearance of natural coral growing in these unusual shapes. Where

this work of art gained the artisan notoriety, and was certainly an outlet for his talent, it scarcely made him rich. Just as his medium was free to him, likewise viewing his work was free, a legacy left to startle the uninformed swimmer who

happened upon them.

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