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reality, choosing instead to distance themselves from science.

The etheric grid system has been put forth to support a new religion of sorts. This religion looks not to a god in

Heaven, as Christians and Jews and Muslims do, nor does it look to animistic gods, such as primitive peoples do when

worshipping thunderstorms or voracious predatory animals, nor does it place a select human on a pedestal, as a god, as some cults do. This religion sees the ethereal everywhere, permeating everything, and sees this as the basis of life, the life force. This ethereal substance is the true glue, the true nature, in this belief, and all else an illusion. Where it is true that the human eye and ear do not sense all, the etheric religion discards too much. To replace what has been

discarded, it invents the ethereal glue.

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ZetaTalk: Ley Lines

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ZetaTalk: Ley Lines

Note: written on Jun 15, 1997

In grappling with Crop Circle appearances, and in trying to find patterns that would explain their purpose or

occurrence, a number of silly theories have emerged.

Crop Circles have been analyzed under the theory that they are man made. This theory falls apart when

confronted by the clean but unbroken right angles that the grain shafts assume within the bent portion of the

grain field, along with the utter lack of foot prints and the lightning speed of production.

Crop Circles have been explained as the result of odd plasma energy, the swamp gas that is supposed to explain

UFO sightings appearing in open fields in broad daylight. This theory, which had a proponent or two until the

complexity of Crop Circles increased, is no longer even considered.

Crop Circles have been analyzed under the theory that they are a communication form from visitors, and

represent language in math. This is closer to the truth, but since all language or symbolism represents repetitive

patterns, a constant in mathematics, some mathematical patterns would of course be represented. Seeing the trees but not the forest before them, they miss the point.

Crop Circles placement has been analyzed, their placement in this or that country, along this or that longitude or

latitude. Statistical analysis inevitably did show a pattern as even a mundane occurrence such as the placement of dog poop would show a pattern of sorts. This led to wild speculation that Crop Circles are caused by some

occurrence along grid lines, a manifestation of energy of some sort, or spirits required to stay on the narrow path

these lines represent. This silly theory gained credence only due to the lack of other plausible theories. Were this

theory to have any merit, all the many Crop Circles that fall outside of what are termed ley lines would have to be addressed, rather than ignored.

Perhaps, since Crop Circles occur more often in fields of grain than anywhere else, a theory that they are caused by

grain might arise. It’s more logical than the ley line theory, and fits with the facts more closely.

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ZetaTalk: Scientology

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ZetaTalk: Scientology

Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

Scientology is not about science, as the name would lead one to believe. This organization is similar to many

organized religions in that it wants to control its subjects, extract money and physical services from them, dictate their thoughts, and require absolute loyalty. It purports to be a religion, for tax purposes and other such benefits that accrue to religious organizations around the world. However, unlike other organized religions it does not point to a deity to be worshipped, and thus is considered by most to be simply a cult. Like cults, Scientology demands loyalty based on the

followers emotional dependence and the leaders desire for complete control over the followers.

Scientology is a cult, but gets away with having an audience among those who don't know the organization or its reputation due to the inclusion of the word science in its name. Move past the name and all relationship to science disappears. It is an unscientific organization. Science implies a thought process, pondering the evidence and testing theories against the results of experiment. Since Scientology denies its members the right to think, instead dictating to them what they should believe, it not only has no relationship to science, it also blocks its members from attempting to follow scientific principles.

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ZetaTalk: Clonaid

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ZetaTalk: Clonaid

Note: written during the Dec 28, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

Cloning, as with the Sheep Dolly, is not difficult. The difficulty is having a 100% success, such that no one can claim an injury has occurred. Childbirth, conception, and having a healthy baby is not guaranteed even under normal

circumstances. However, parents who proceed and have a damaged child normally do not have a right to sue, or

complain, unless clear malpractice by the doctor or hospital occurred. If it is a genetic toss of the dice, then no

complaints are filed. Cloning should, theoretically, produce an offspring identical to the parents, but what if all the DNA does not transfer, or during early development expresses differently because of a different early environment? A

leg not forming, as the nudge to do so is not there, the DNA perfect but the nudge lacking. Thus, cloned human infants are being developed, have been developed, but until the product is certain, no publicity will be forthcoming. Those making the most noise, however, have not, themselves, done this cloning. They are seeking the spotlight, and have secured it, as no court in the land can force them to produce something protected under doctor/patient laws. Before

court orders can ensue, an injury must be produced. Was a law broken? No law for human cloning exists that would

put the claimants in jail, certainly not without proof of their actions. Thus, their strutting on stage is safe.

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ZetaTalk: Bon

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ZetaTalk: Bon

Note: written on Oct 15, 1995

The ancient Chinese had a tradition of worshipping their dead ancestors that went beyond respect and honorable

mention. They ate their dead. This type of cannibalism is not unknown in other cultures, as primitive man has often

concluded that one could ingest the qualities of another - courage, potency, or intelligence. However, the ancient