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Chinese did this not to capture qualities but to protect the souls of their ancestors from what they considered to be

preying evil spirits. Their traditions of caring for one another knew no bounds, and failure to partake of the meal was considered gross disrespect. All but the bones were consumed, and these carefully bound and kept in a safe place. Over time this was taken to be, by those who discovered these bundles, an odd burial practice. What has passed forward as

Chinese tradition, unaltered, is the sense that the spirit lives on and can inhabit a body other than the birth body - a walk-in. The foreboding sense that one needs protection from evil spirits is still about, reflected in the curved roofs which are to catch and fling back to the skies any evil spirits dropping down to plague mankind, or so they hoped.

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ZetaTalk: Divine Nectar

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ZetaTalk: Divine Nectar

Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

A falsehood promulgated by Yogis is that they nourish themselves not with the same food and water required by mere

humans whom they would lead, but by the absorption of light energy, called Divine Nectar. This is a falsehood

difficult for the follower to disprove, as to put in place the controls necessary to disprove the proposition, the follower would have to highly insult the master. Do they have a bite to eat in their private quarters, or slip a nibble into their mouths now and then during the day, from under their flowing robes? Who can be certain? There has been no

controlled study on this matter, and the reader can be assured that if humans had even a slight inclination in this

direction that the massive starvation and malnutrition that occurs all over the Earth, without abatement throughout

human history, would have produced at least one human who seemed to thrive without food.

A controlled experiment to disprove the proposition would require that a Yogi master:

be willing to undergo such a test

be placed in an isolated situation where the only input to his system would be the light claimed to nourish

be observed continuously by people who are not the Yogi Master's followers and who therefore do not have

preconceived opinions on the outcome

No such controlled test has ever been done, and for good reasons - the proposition would be disproved.

Why do Yogi Masters purport that this practice works? What's in it for them? India is a country where starvation and

malnutrition are on the rise, and have always been a grim fact of life for all but the privileged classes. The cast systems are rigid, and there is scant hope of escaping. Some Yogis purport that this practice succeeds to give hope to the

pitiful, and some have even convinced themselves that they feel refreshed after basking, but most do so simply to raise their status among their followers. How great is their master? He has mastery over Divine Nectar, or so he says.

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ZetaTalk: Levitate

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ZetaTalk: Levitate

Note: written on Feb 15, 2002

Levitation of objects, and rapid movement of space ships, is largely based on manipulation of gravity. As we have

described in space travel, faster than light, when the Repulsion Force is removed, and there is only attraction, it's a quick kiss! This manipulation of gravity is also evident in our space ships, which not only hover, they have their own center of gravity inside. The occupants can look down to see the surface of Earth overhead, for instance, as Nancy can relay.

Levitation by mankind is a trick. For those who think they are viewing this and feel it cannot be so, we would point out the many ways that trick can be done. Wire or string can be the same color as the backdrop, and thus not seen, or clear in nature for this effect. Likewise, pedestals can be under an object, and as long as the same color or appearance as the backdrop, not seen. In these tricks, there is often distraction at play during the levitation, such that the attention of the audience is drawn away from these areas. There are objects that are passed under the levitated object that break at the point where they pass by the pedestal or wires, and snap together again. This is because they are magnetized, and solid enough that the break and reattachment can be counted on. All this accompanied by much noise and music and waving

about, as distraction.

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ZetaTalk: Nirvana

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ZetaTalk: Nirvana

Note: written on Aug 15, 1995

What the Christians describe as Heaven has an equivalent in other major

religions and in all human cultures. What is being referred to here is what the

human soul understands, intuitively, awaits. A promise. A possibility. Life in

light form, without pain or hunger or struggle. Love all around. An information

and exploration extravaganza. The Hindus correctly understand that many

lifetimes of practice, many lessons, precede this treasured state. They also

describe reincarnation, and backsliding during incarnations, and stages of

spiritual growth with the ultimate, Nirvana, achieved only after much personal

struggle. Of course, those who take a detour by choosing the Service-to-Self

orientation take longer, as after a certain point they cannot proceed in their

growth unless they become willing to focus less on the self.

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ZetaTalk: Ganesh Milk

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ZetaTalk: Ganesh Milk

Note: written on Nov 15, 1995

Blind faith does many things for the holder, including settling arguments between what the eyes perceive and what

faith dictates. These types of arguments arise where the dictates of the faith are tightly bound to survival or security, or where the faith is perceived to offer the only solution to an intractable problem. Thus a child may refuse to

acknowledge the death of a parent until a substitute parent is firmly in place, or the religious, living in poverty, may cling to the notion that their gods are real as thus there is some hope of escaping the grinding poverty. Such a situation arises often in India, where there is both grinding and intractable poverty and a cultural and genetic acceptance of

discrepancy. If two ideas, simultaneously held, conflict, then simply don't line them up together and thus avoid the

conflict. This type of escape requires coconspirators in the family, the workplace, the media, and the government, and in India this is the case. Thus, if the faithful, looking for distraction and longing for a hopeful sign, see what the heart wishes but the eye belies, then blind faith prevails and blind they must be! Did the deity Ganesh drink milk spooned to it, around the world? Hardly, but milk dries to a clear stain, and thus supports this notion of the faithful.