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ZetaTalk: Yogas

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ZetaTalk: Yogas

Note: written on Apr 15, 2002

Yogas, who control their bodies to be able to breath with reduced oxygen use, in closed chambers, buried chambers,

for hours past the point of death in a normal person, or otherwise resist injury by walking over hot coals, are not operating outside their physiology. If they were, then why are there limits on what is reported, or performed? If one

can walk over hot coals, then why not through a firestorm? If breathing less and reducing the metabolism for hours,

then why not weeks? If super-human powers were afoot, then limits would not be in place. Yogas learn, through

dedicated practice, to control their body's reactions, not unlike a warrior resisting pain during battle in order to survive.

Your bodies use of oxygen can take surprising steps, as for instance where a child falls into very cold water and is

apparently dead for an hour or more, then revived as normal. This is an indication of the capacity of the body to reduce its normal reactions. Yogas who walk over coals have, in the first place, callused bare feet that have almost an inch of dead skin, thickened, on the soles. They have analyzed and practiced just how long the food must be on a hot coal, how quickly lifted, and where to place the foot. Blistering does not occur, as live flesh has not been burned. Dead thickened skin peels off, rebuilding underneath, and no one but the Yoga is the wiser.

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ZetaTalk: Jack the Ripper

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ZetaTalk: Jack the Ripper

Note: written on Oct 15, 1996

During the era when Jack the Ripper did his deeds there was much interest in the human organs, their function, and the potential for playing God by piecing a human together, with the best of this or that. DNA and the manner in which its

influence permeates all parts of the body, or the difficulties doctors face when transplanting organs that soon are

rejected by the new host, were unknown to doctors and scientists during that era. That the story of the Frankenstein

Monster arose during that era is indicative of the interest in this subject. Where the story of a living monster, pieced together from body parts harvested from the dead or living, is fiction, the story of attempts to create such a monster is not fiction. There were many Dr. Frankensteins, and as doctors came from the upper classes during that era, they were well connected.

The identity of Jack the Ripper is not known to the public, but was known to the authorities, at least those who made the decision on whether to pursue a line of investigation or the path that investigation was to take. The influence the upper classes has on the police and regulatory agencies is not new, and pressure to look the other way or financial

inducements have always been a facet of human society. The rumor that the perpetrator was royalty was spread to

explain why the authorities had little luck. The common man could comprehend a reluctance to indict royalty, and that

royalty would be able to suppress an investigation.

Jack the Ripper was not one man, but a group of scientists and doctors, actively pursuing in real life what Dr.

Frankenstein was pursuing in fiction. Fresh corpses were routinely delivered to medical schools for autopsy practice

and the training of students, so harvesting fresh organs from the recently deceased was not difficult. However, when

those wishing to play God found that dead organs only resulted in a dead body, they sought living organs. Prostitutes

were easy prey, as they could be relied upon to follow a client into a dark alley, willingly. Being the weaker sex, they also were anticipated to put up less of a struggle. Each failure to create life from dead or dying body parts was

followed by yet another experiment, until the group finally despaired. Were they to have had success, however modest,

Jack the Ripper might be with us still today, as at no time did the group feel any compunction to curtail their activities.

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ZetaTalk: Steve Fossett

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ZetaTalk: Steve Fossett

written October 12, 2007 on the GodlikeProduction live chat, additions on October 4, 2008.

Steve Fossett [Sep 3, 2007] http://www.stevefossett.com/

At 8:45 am, on Monday, September 3, 2007, Fossett took

off in a single-engine Bellanca Super Decathlon airplane

from a private airstrip known as Flying-M Ranch (

38°N, 119°W), near Carson City and the California

border. The airfield is owned by Barron Hilton. There

has been no signal from the plane's emergency locator

transmitter (ELT), designed to be automatically activated

in the event of a crash, but of an older type notorious for

failing to operate after a crash. It was at first thought

that Fossett may have also been wearing a Swiss-made

Breitling Emergency watch with a manually operated

ELT having a range of up to 90 miles, but no signal was received from it. He did own such a watch, but

was not wearing it when he took off for the Labor Day flight. Fossett apparently did not file a flight plan,

but was not required to do so. As of September 10, search crews had found eight previously uncharted

crash sites, some decades old, but none related to Fossett's disappearance. On September 7, 2007, Google

Inc. helped the search for the aviator through its connections to contractors that provide satellite imagery

for its Google Earth software. Richard Branson, Fossett's British billionaire friend, said he and others

were coordinating efforts with Google to see if any of the high-resolution pictures might include Fossett's

aircraft. [and from another] Hilton Ranch N38 W119. Area 51 N37 W115.

The mangled debris of Fossett's single-engine Bellanca was spotted from the air late Wednesday [Oct 1,

2008] near the town of Mammoth Lakes and was identified by its tail number. The rugged area, situated

about 65 miles from the ranch, had been flown over 19 times by the California Civil Air Patrol during the