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The Life of Science. An Anthology of Introductions to’ Classics in Science. М., «Nauka», 1973. The development of science from Copernicus and Ve-salius to our day is portrayed by a collection of forewords and prefaces to masterworks in science. A short biographical note and portrait preceeds each of the 95 entries. Selected by history rather than by the preference of the compiler, this anthology gives a unique and inspiring image of the emergence and method of modern science. The foreword was written as the author completed perhaps the greatest work of his life. Writing for a broad spectrum of readers he had to comply with common demands of style and volume. This leads to a remarkable uniformity in the presentation of these authorative statements on the motives and method of work of great scientists. Thus a new avenue of approach for comparative studies in the history of science is opened. Many of these introductions, complete and concise, should be considered as the best pieces of scientific writing ever produced, bridging the domains of the two cultures. This collection provides the scientist, teacher and student with most instructive and imaginative reading, fascinating and intelligible to the general reader.


Антология вступлений к класспко естествознания

Утверждено к печати Институтом истории естествознания и техники Академии наук СССР и редакционной коллегией серии «Классики науки»

Редактор С. И. Ларин Редакторы издательства Л. Н. Кузьлшиова, Н. А. Поте хин а Художник И. В. Бронников

Художественный редактор Т. Л. Поленова. Технический редактор Р. М. Денисова

Сдано в набор 10/X 1972 г.

Поди, к печати. 27/VII 1973 г. Формат 70x90Vie. Бумага 1.

Уел. печ. л. 43,87. Уч.-изд, л. 41,3 Тираж 16 ООО вкз. Т-11360 Тип. зак. 1262. Цена 3 р. 50 к.

Издательство «Наука», 103717ГСП Москва, К-62, Подсосенский пер., 21 2-я типография издательства «Наука». 121099. Москва, Г-99, Шубинский пер., 10