Battle Earth VIII

Battle Earth VIII
Боевая фантастика
Автор: Thomas Nick S.
Серия: Battle Earth #8
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Добавил: Admin 27 Мар 21
Проверил: Admin 27 Мар 21
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Life in peacetime hadn't been what Mitch Taylor had either expected or hoped for, but it wasn't to last anyway. Four years of lying idle as a propaganda puppet had built his appetite for action, but that also came in a form he could not have anticipated.
War had been declared by one group of humans against another. The kind of war Taylor was all too familiar with in history books but had zero experience in the real world. Tsengal's revelation about the Krys agents living among them had resulted in his death before the proof of such could save them from a new world war.
It had been a month since war had been declared by the European Alliance against their former colleagues in the Union of European Nations. The rest of the world was yet to pick sides, and neither had made any determined attempt to cross one another's borders.
A great war was coming, and all the time the threat loomed over them from the alien invaders. The threat of Erdogan, a grand leader of the alien forces Taylor only knew by reputation. But for now, all Taylor could do was face what was in front of him.

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