Crazy Beautiful

Crazy Beautiful
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Dee Penny
Серия: Crazy #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Страниц: 61
Издатель: Smashwords Edition
ISBN: Isbn13: 9781311391193
Статус: Закончена
Добавил: Admin 27 Апр 15
Проверил: Admin 27 Апр 15
Формат:  FB2 (351 Kb)  EPUB (362 Kb)  MOBI (1312 Kb)

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Heath Dillinger, lead singer and renowned love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy, is wrapped in an impressive package of muscle, tattoos and three lethal dimples that drive the girls crazy. He is every girls dream and nightmare rolled into one. The last thing he expects is to meet the girl of his dreams. After all, who knew she even existed? But when Harlow Montmarte walks into his crosshairs, he knows he is done for. He’s prepared to give up his wild ways. Except, Harlow isn’t interested in anything more than friendship and refuses to be charmed out of her panties by the charismatic rock star. She’s just left a whole world of heartache behind her and isn’t in the mood for any more.
Heath Dillinger has met his match.

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