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Made in Hell 3

Made in Hell 3

Автор: Jacobs Logan
Серия: Made in Hell #3
Год: 2021
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No one obstructs my business and lives to tell the tale. Not even the incubi who rule the Shadow Quarters. Unfortunately, their elusive minions could be stalking my every movement through any alleyway, the Church is on the hunt for the priest’s...
Made in Hell 2

Made in Hell 2

Автор: Jacobs Logan
Серия: Made in Hell #2
Год: 2021
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Running my own illegal mining operation has made me richer than I ever imagined I’d be. Now, my deadly women get anything they need, I take everything I want, and anyone who has a problem with this becomes my prey. Even if they’re the top crime...
Made in Hell

Made in Hell

Автор: Jacobs Logan
Серия: Made in Hell #1
Год: 2021
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Once I was a mortal man living on Earth, but now I’m the Tempest Demon known as Atticus, and I have served the Dark King for eons as he wages endless war across the realms. Until today, when I finally ripped myself free from the Dark King’s...
Made in Hell 7

Made in Hell 7

Серия: Made in Hell #7
Год: 2022
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My reign as the Demon King of Selythia has begun, but it turns out slaughtering my way to the top is just a step too far for my immortal enemies. Now, both the Heavenly Glade and the Hellscape are chomping at the bit to finally end my crusade on the...
Made in Hell 6

Made in Hell 6

Серия: Made in Hell #6
Год: 2021
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There’s more evil at work in this kingdom than I expected. Undesirables all over the islands of Selythia are still being stolen and tortured, but I’m a professional punisher from the festering voids of the Hellscape. This is kind of my area of...
Made in Hell 5

Made in Hell 5

Автор: Jacobs Logan
Серия: Made in Hell #5
Год: 2022
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With the Church finally wiped out of this city, the Port of Rengfri is entirely at my disposal. I’m free to run my businesses as I please, unleash my minions on all of my enemies, and even take any home I like for my own. Including castles. But...
Made in Hell 4

Made in Hell 4

Автор: Jacobs Logan
Серия: Made in Hell #4
Год: 2021
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I once sought to leave the Port of Rengfri as quickly as possible, but now nothing will drive me from this city. This is my home, and my murderous women and I will claim every inch of this island instead. To do that, I need to build an unstoppable...