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Nerilka's Story

Nerilka's Story

Серия: Pern #9
Язык: английский
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A deadly epidemic was sweeping across Pern! Everyone, holder and dragonrider alike, pitched in to help—except Nerilka’s father, who refused to share Fort Hold’s bounty with the other Holds. So, ashamed of her family and determined to do...
Dragonseye (Red Star Rising)

Dragonseye (Red Star Rising)

Серия: Pern #21
Язык: английский
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When the volcanoes rumble and the powerful storms begin brewing on Pern, it means one thing: Thread. For 257 years Pern has been free of the life-destroying Thread, but now the Red Star has reappeared in the sky and soon the deadly Threadfall will...
Эпическая фантастика


Серия: Pern #6
Язык: английский
Год: 2002
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The beautiful planet Pern seemed a paradise to its new colonists - until unimaginable terror turned it into hell. Suddenly deadly spores were falling like silver threads from the sky, devouring everything - and everyone - in their path. It began to...
The Renegades of Pern

The Renegades of Pern

Серия: Pern #13
Язык: английский
Год: 1992
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As long as the people of Pern could remember, the Holds had protected them from Thread, the deadly silver strands that fell from the sky. In exchange for sanctuary in the huge stone fortresses, the people tithed to their Lord Holders, who in turn...