Stardust Runner 3

Stardust Runner 3
Другая фантастика
Серия: Stardust Runner #3
Год: 2022
Добавил: Admin 13 Дек 22
Проверил: Admin 13 Дек 22
Формат:  EPUB (538 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


A war brews between the voidtouched and those who wish to preserve the universe.

When the Athena starts to malfunction, I set a course for the planet where she was first built. It’s a place that’s been overlooked by all the other species, and it’s where the secret of my starship’s creation can be found.

But this planet harbors those who would do not only me harm, but my ship and my crew. It’s here where the war will begin in earnest. The survival of the universe depends on the Athena and the secrets she holds.

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