A Sellsword's Valor

A Sellsword's Valor
Автор: Peppers Jacob
Серия: The Seven Virtues #4
Год: 2018
Добавил: Admin 22 Сен 20
Проверил: Admin 22 Сен 20
Формат:  EPUB (592 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


The Battle is won. But the war is just beginning.
Belgarin’s forces have retreated, but in the city of Perennia there is no rejoicing. The air is filled with the mourning cries of survivors, and the wind that blows through the city carries the smell of freshly dug graves and death.
As the city grieves, Aaron and his companions attempt to hold together an alliance that threatens to crumble around them. While the alliance’s leaders bicker and argue, Boyce Kevlane, an ancient wizard bent on revenge, has taken Belgarin’s place as king and uses his twisted powers to create an army out of nightmare.
To stand a chance of keeping the coalition together, Aaron is forced to venture into Baresh, a city gripped by madness and terror, in search of proof of the coming danger.
But evil is a thing of shadows and darkness, and it will not go easily into the light.
To survive, Aaron will be forced to call on his friends and the growing power of his bond with a creature of myth. Yet even this may not be enough. For there are other powers in the world, darker ones, and there is no telling what secrets the shadows hold.

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