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The Golden Rendezvous
Боевики, Триллер

The Golden Rendezvous

Автор: Maclean Alistair
Язык: английский
Год: 1962

A timeless classic from the acclaimed master of action and suspense. Aboard the SS Campari, all is not well. For Johnny Carter, the Chief Officer, the voyage has already begun badly; but it's only when the Campari sails that evening, after a...
Balance of Power

Balance of Power

Автор: Murphy Warren
Серия: The Destroyer #44
Язык: английский
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Remo and Chiun must focus on the dizzy series of events connecting the banana republic of Hispania, the Peaches of Mecca, and a luscious blonde named Gloria X. The missing like lies in the tequila-soaked brain of Barney Daniels, an ex-CIA agent...
Appointment in Kabul

Appointment in Kabul

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #73
Язык: английский
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The Russians want Afghanistan.But not its people.And a soviet cannibal has found a weapon to annihilate the populace — a chemical called Devils Rain.With intell supplied by a CIA spook, Mack Bolan leads a unit of the feared...
Baltimore Trackdown

Baltimore Trackdown

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #88
Язык: английский
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A police chief betrays his code of honor to the Mafia and tries to persuade fellow officers to accept money from the Mob. Those who refuse are killed. Through all his miles along the hellfire trail, the Executioner has always looked on...
Beirut Payback

Beirut Payback

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #67
Язык: английский
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Mack Bolan learns that archenemy Greb Strakhov is in Lebanon. The Executioner has a personal vendetta with the KGB terror merchant. Bolans mission is twofold: to settle the score with Strakhov, and to avenge the 240 U.S. Marines who lie...
Blood Dues

Blood Dues

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #71
Язык: английский
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Rumors and rumbles of a Cuban exile connection with the Mafia crime machine in Miami have come to Bolans ears. The Executioner enters an old battleground, only to find hordes of Cuban outcasts crowding the city center, and the teeming...
Blood Heat Zero

Blood Heat Zero

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #90
Язык: английский
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Mack Bolan, exhausted by the firestorm that is his life, decides to take a well-deserved R and R. But instead of some tropical resort, the Executioner plans to challenge natures whims in the depths of an Icelandic glacier. On a perilous...