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Blood Sport

Blood Sport

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #46
Язык: английский
Год: 1982
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Mack was back in an undercover role. Posing as a U.S. Army sergeant selling guns to terrorists, Bolan struck deep into the ranks of Europes most brutal group of Kidnappers. A team of world-class athletes had been taken hostage. The...
Blood Testament

Blood Testament

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #100
Язык: английский
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Two men take the same pledge — to see justice done. Mack Bolan, a self-styled executioner, made his vow in silence and alone. Hal Brognola took his oath for all America to see. Hunter and prey in former years, they are now lifelong friends....
California Hit

California Hit

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #11
Язык: английский
Год: 1972
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The sunny Golden Gate city finds out what the Executioner is all about when he explodes into their midst, hot on the trail of the inner enemy and "Mr. King," the behind-the-scenes boss of all that moves and breathes in the western...
Caribbean Kill

Caribbean Kill

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #10
Язык: английский
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Mack Bolan, the one-man war machine, bets his life against the Mafia forces of glittering Las Vegas... and theres no business like show business once The Executioner gets in the...
Continental Contract

Continental Contract

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #5
Язык: английский
Год: 1971
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The largest private gun squad in history follows Bolan to France, only to find the war has started without them, and 20 dead Frenchmen are mute testimony to the profinciency of the...
Council of Kings

Council of Kings

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #79
Язык: английский
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The bloody trail of a loansharking operation in Oregon leads Mack Bolan to a massive shipload of illegal arms bound for Portland. Bolan refuses to consider the cost in innocent lives if the weapons fall into Mafia hands. He races...
Death Squad

Death Squad

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1969
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The dreaded Black Hand has let out a $100,000 contract on Bolan's life, and every trigger-happy gunman in the country is trying to collect. At the same time, local, state, and federal police forces have banded together in the greatest manhunt in...
Doomsday Disciples

Doomsday Disciples

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #49
Язык: английский
Год: 1982
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Using the American tradition of freedom of religion as a smoke screen, a cultist group had gone mad in the streets of San Francisco. People were being slaughtered in the name of a bizarre new sacrilege, The Universal Devotees. Killings were...
Hellfire Crusade

Hellfire Crusade

Автор: Pendleton Don
Серия: The Executioner #87
Язык: английский
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The militant brother of an Arab ruler has kidnapped a brilliant young American. And Mack Bolan knows that in wrong hands the teenagers knowledge of nuclear devices could change the course of history.The Executioner faces awesome odds as he...