Python: Penetration Testing for Developers

Python: Penetration Testing for Developers
Другая компьютерная литература, Программы
Год: 2016
Добавил: Admin 15 Апр 21
Проверил: Admin 15 Апр 21
Формат:  PDF (10663 Kb)
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Unleash the power of Python scripting to execute effective and efficient penetration tests

About This Book

Sharpen your pentesting skills with Python
Develop your fluency with Python to write sharper scripts for rigorous security testing
Get stuck into some of the most powerful tools in the security world
Who This Book Is For

If you are a Python programmer or a security researcher who has basic knowledge of Python programming and wants to learn about penetration testing with the help of Python, this course is ideal for you. Even if you are new to the field of ethical hacking, this course can help you find the vulnerabilities in your system so that you are ready to tackle any kind of attack or intrusion.

What You Will Learn

Familiarize yourself with the generation of Metasploit resource files and use the Metasploit Remote Procedure Call to automate exploit generation and execution
Exploit the Remote File Inclusion to gain administrative access to systems with Python and other scripting languages
Crack an organization's Internet perimeter and chain exploits to gain deeper access to an organization's resources
Explore wireless traffic with the help of various programs and perform wireless attacks with Python programs
Gather passive information from a website using automated scripts and perform XSS, SQL injection, and parameter tampering attacks
Develop complicated header-based attacks through Python

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