Working with Vue.js

Working with Vue.js
Год: 2019
Добавил: Admin 5 Май 21
Проверил: Admin 5 Май 21
Формат:  PDF (2424 Kb)
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Since its release in 2014, Vue.js has seen a meteoric rise to popularity and is is now considered one of the primary front-end frameworks, and not without good reason. Its component-based architecture was designed to be flexible and easy to adopt, making it just as easy to integrate into projects and use alongside non-Vue code as it is to build complex client-side applications.
If you're an experienced developer looking to make a start with Vue, this book is for you. It provides a rapid introduction to the key topics that you'll need to understand. It contains:
1. Getting up and Running with the Vue.js 2.0 Framework by Jack
2. Getting Started with Vuex: a Beginner’s Guide by Michael
3. A Beginner’s Guide to Vue CLI by Ahmed Bouchefra
4. A Beginner’s Guide to Working With Components in Vue by
Kingsley Silas
5. A Beginner’s Guide to Working with Forms in Vue by Kingsley Silas
6. How to Conditionally Apply a CSS Class in Vue.js by Chad
7. How to Replace jQuery with Vue by Nilson Jacques
8. Nuxt.js: a Minimalist Framework for Creating Universal Vue.js
Apps by Olayinka Omole
9. Optimize the Performance of a Vue App with Async Components
by Michiel Mulders

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