Before & After You

Before & After You
Современные любовные романы
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
Статус: Закончена
Добавил(а): iLiqna iLiewa 22 Июн 20
Формат:  EPUB (349 Kb)  PDF (1092 Kb)
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I knew it from the very first moment I saw him. Greyson Hayes was a game changer. He was light, and love, and everything that was right in this world. But I was hate, and darkness, and everything this cruel world had taught me to be. Before Greyson Hayes, I was angry. Angry at the hand I’d been dealt, at my parents, with myself. At seventeen-years-old, I knew far too much about the ugliest parts of life. I was counting down the days until I’d turn eighteen and could finally start over again, on my own terms. And then I met him. He trailed fingertips and kisses over my scars. The ones that could be seen on the surface of my skin, and the ones that lingered beneath them, buried and hidden from the world. He made them feel beautiful. After Greyson Hayes, I learned how to love with a heart that was riddled with scars. After Greyson Hayes, I learned how to love myself. Before & After You is a standalone, past and present, second chance romance about finding love and finding one's self. 

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