Black Lies

Black Lies
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Torre Alessandra
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Статус: Закончена
Добавил(а): iLiqna iLiewa 17 Июн 20
Проверил: Admin 17 Июн 20
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Became a tech billionaire by his twentieth birthday. Has been in a relationship with me for 3 years. Has proposed 4 times. Been rejected 4 times.

Cuts grass when he's not banging housewives. Good with his hands, his mouth, and his body. Has been pursued relentlessly by me for almost 2 years, whether he knows it or not.

Go ahead. Judge me. You have no idea what my love entails.

If you think you've heard this story before, trust me - you haven't.

**This is a STANDALONE full-length novel. It is not part of a series, and does not contain a cliffhanger.**

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