Fancy Pants

Fancy Pants
Современные любовные романы
Язык: английский
Год: 1989
Добавил: Admin 16 Июн 23
Проверил: Admin 16 Июн 23
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"Refreshingly original, witty and touching." – LaVyrle Spencer
She was the most beautiful British bauble in Europe's jet-set playgrounds. Now she's broke, furious, and limping down a backwoods road in an ugly pink Southern Belle gown…
He was tall, lean and All-American gorgeous. He liked his brews cold and women loved to keep him warm. Why in hell is he stopping his car for this woebegone, surly Scarlett?
Meet Francesca Day and Dallie Beaudine, two incredible characters whose tangled love affair is one of the most ravishing, satisfying, irresistible novels you'll ever read. From the glamour and excitement of London and New York to the dust and down-home grit of Texas, come enjoy the adventure of a lifetime-a wonderfully involving story that's heart-wrenching, hilarious and hellcat passionate-and as full of surprises as life itself. You'll never forget Dallie and the sassy lady who needs a good swift kick in her…fancy pants.

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