
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Thompson Claire
Год: 2007
Добавил: Admin 18 Май 12
Проверил: Admin 18 Май 12
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Jack is a 44 years old widower. Since the day his wife suddenly death he had a pretty quite, even if not exciting life: married at 19 years old to have get pregnant his highschool sweetheart, Jack has never had the chance to choice what to do; clever and with a lot of possibilities ahead of him, instead he had to skip college and became a carpenter to bring soon and fast money at home. He doesn't regret having his two sons, and he was fond of his wife, but he didn't love her; actually even that first time with her, when she got pregnant, was due to the fact that Jack was trying to understand his feelings for his bestfriend and buddy of highschool. Now twentyfive years later he is still at the same point, wondering if what he feels for Will is real love or only curiosity.

Will is 30 years old and wealthy. An easy life, he passed from highschool, to college, to work always knowing what he wanted and what he liked. He likes men and even if he is conscious that in his life of work his better not to flaunt it, endlessly numbers of one night stand prove that he has not problem to reach what he desires. But Will is in a moment in his life that if he doesn't slow down, he will be burn out soon. He decided to leave his multimillionaire work for six months and see where life brings him, instead of lead his life. And here he is, with a sudden interest for a man that usually he would never notice. Jack is not handsome, wealthy or powerful. He is a simple man who quietly listen to him and always seems comfortable with himself. Will feels good around him and would like to take on the relationship to a step up, but he even knows if Jack is gay or at least bi-curios.

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