Kept By the Loan Shark

Kept By the Loan Shark
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Rivera Roxie
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
Статус: Закончена
Добавил(а): iLiqna iLiewa 22 Июн 20
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When Cassie exchanged her body for her brother's life, she never expected to fall in love with the loan shark who made the demand. Alpha to the core, Hagen provides the stability and security she craves, but his instincts to always protect her put Cassie in serious danger.
With her life hanging in the balance, she begins to wonder just how far Hagen will go to defend her.
Because Cassie's big, soft heart leaves her vulnerable, and if Hagen decides to walk away, she isn't sure she's strong enough to survive the threat to her life.

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