Love & Hate

Love & Hate
Современные любовные романы
Автор: Carson Mia
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
Статус: Закончена
Добавил(а): iLiqna iLiewa 17 Июн 20
Проверил: Admin 17 Июн 20
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What happens in Vegas should really stay in Vegas but not when you’re an instant bride and the groom doesn’t want a divorce!

Mackenzie has the sleazy job of keeping tabs on shady billionaires, and she’s done more than her share of messing up her most recent assignment by accidentally marrying the enemy. But her boss sees it as an opportunity to spy on Scott, and she has no choice but to play along, especially when Scott offers her benefits to stay married to him. She has the best of both worlds – satisfy her job responsibilities while getting perks from her fake marriage to her billionaire husband. But the past soon catches up with her, and she scurries home, hoping to disappear and be left alone, but she didn’t count on Scott’s devotion to reuniting with his fake wife.

Marrying a stranger was never part of his plan, but since the sexy girl who accidentally married him was what he needed to refine his playboy image and solidify the greatest merger of his career, he’d play along. No way was he going to mess up this golden opportunity of looking good to his business partners by granting her a divorce. She was his insurance for the life he was used to, and nothing was going to come between him and his ambitions. Mackenzie had a sordid past, which he could fix, so he offers her a deal she can’t refuse: pretend to be his wife until his merger goes through and she could have all she wanted. Simple enough, except he never expected the steamy behind-the-door perks that came with his fake marriage. Now he wanted her for other reasons…

This is a full-length novel with no cliffhangers and a Happily Ever After ending!

PUBLISHER's NOTE: Bonus! For a limited time, this edition of LOVE and HATE contains two extra romance novels!

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