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The Secret of Spiggy Holes
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The Secret of Spiggy Holes

Серия: The Secret Series #2
Язык: английский
Год: 1940
Статус: Закончена
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What excitement for Mike, Jack, Nora and Peggy when they discover the secret caves and passages of Spiggy Holes! And when they find out that a kidnapped prince is being held captive in the old house above the caves, they're in the grips of...
The Mystery of the Disappearing Cat
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The Mystery of the Disappearing Cat

Язык: английский
Год: 1944
Статус: Закончена
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Luke was working in the garden when Lady Candling's valuable cat was stolen. But could it have been the cat's carer, Miss Harmer, or even Lady Candling's companion Miss Trimble? The Five Find-Outers and Dog are on the...
Monster Lake
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Monster Lake

Автор: Ли Эдвард
Язык: английский
Год: 2005
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Terri is in a race against time as everyone around her starts to change: her mother, her uncle, her new best friend. She has to save them. But to do so she must head back to the old boathouse and unlock the secrets to the lake and it's horrible...
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Автор: Wells Robison
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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Benson Fisher thought a scholarship to Maxfield Academy would be the ticket out of his dead-end life. He was wrong. Now he’s trapped in a school that’s surrounded by a razor-wire fence. A school where video cameras monitor his every...