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Espresso Shot
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Espresso Shot

Автор: Койл Клио
Серия: Coffeehouse Mysteries #7
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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The pseudonymous Coyle (a husband-wife team) makes the jump to hardcover with this enjoyable coffeehouse mystery, the seventh in the series to star Clare Cosi, the crime-solving barista of Village Blend (French Pressed, etc.). Breanne Summour,...
French Pressed
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French Pressed

Автор: Койл Клио
Серия: Coffeehouse Mysteries #6
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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Clare Cosi's daughter, Joy, is interning-and falling- for a top New York chef when his kitchen turns cutthroat, and Joy becomes a murder suspect. Clare knows she must catch the real killer-even if it lands her in the hottest water of her...
Пятый угол
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Пятый угол

Язык: русский
Год: 2008
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«Пятый угол» — знаменитый роман австрийского писателя Йоханнеса Марио Зиммеля, принесший автору международную известность. Вторая...