Only Daughter

Only Daughter
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Автор: Snoekstra Anna
Год: 2016
Добавил: Admin 31 Май 18
Проверил: Admin 31 Май 18
Формат:  FB2, ePub, TXT, RTF, PDF, HTML, MOBI, JAVA, LRF

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In 2003, sixteen-year-old Rebecca Winter disappeared. She'd been enjoying her teenage summer break, but mysteriously ominous things began to happen -- blood in the bed, periods of blackouts, a feeling of being watched -- though Bec remained oblivious of what was to come. Eleven years later, a young woman, desperate after being arrested, claims to be the decade-missing Bec and is soon living Bec's life. But Bec's family and friends are not quite as they seem. As the impostor dodges the detective investigating her case, she begins to delve into the life of the real Bec Winter""and soon realizes that whoever took Bec is still at large, and that she is in imminent danger.

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