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Язык: русский
Год: 2001
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Coliandro und Nikita, der Polizist und das Punkmädchen – ein hinreißendes, liebenswürdig chaotisches Paar tritt an gegen den Rest der Welt: Als Nikita ein Päckchen mit 200 Millionen Lire in die Hände fällt, hat das...
Somebody Killed His Editor [Holmes & Moriarity-1]
Другие детективы, Остросюжетные любовные романы

Somebody Killed His Editor [Holmes & Moriarity-1]

Серия: Holmes #1
Язык: русский
Год: 2010
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Christopher (Kit) Holmes has enjoyed a successful career as a mystery writer, thanks to the popularity of elderly spinster sleuth, Miss Butterwith and her ingenious cat, Mr. Pinkerton. But sales are down in everything but chick lit and...
The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes: Fifty Tantalizing Problems of Chess Detection
Классические детективы, Спорт

The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes: Fifty Tantalizing Problems of Chess Detection

Язык: русский
Год: 1994
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Here — from philosopher/logician/puzzlemaker Raymond Smullyan — are fifty elegant, witty, and altogether unique "chess mysteries." In each problem the solver has to deduce certain events in a game's past. For example: On what square was...