Seven Nights to Surrender

Seven Nights to Surrender
Современные любовные романы, Эротика
Автор: Grey Jeanette
Серия: Art of Passion #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
Страниц: 69
Статус: Закончена
Добавил: Admin 10 Ноя 15
Проверил: Admin 10 Ноя 15
Формат:  FB2 (564 Kb)  EPUB (613 Kb)

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By day, he'll show her a side of Paris not found in any guidebook. By night, he'll introduce her to a passion beyond her wildest dreams. In this sensuous story of indulgence and desire, Jeanette Grey delivers one of the most romantic reads of the year and proves why she is fast becoming a must-read star.
Kate arrives in Paris hoping to find inspiration. Instead she finds Rylan. In a swirl of stolen kisses and hot, tangled sheets, Kate is quickly swept away by the sexy stranger, longing to surrender to his expert touch. With Rylan, nothing is forbidden-except the truth.
An American ex-pat worth millions, Rylan never flaunts his fortune. Rather, he guards his identity from everyone, especially women. No strings, no commitments, no complications. But the second his lips taste Kate's soft, sweet skin, everything changes. For the first time, Rylan has found someone to share his every want and need. Yet he knows that secrets stand between them. To keep her, he'll need to confess the truth before it's too late . . . even if doing so could mean losing Kate forever.

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